Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 314 - On Ganga Stotram


Beaumont, Ardèche, South of France

1 December 2015



During the retreat here in the beautiful area of Ardèche, a CD of Ganga Stotram sung by Mithilesh Choudhary was played, resulting in an overwhelming atmosphere.  It was felt that the text of this song should be made available to Kriyabans as a message; hence this present message has been prepared from an Internet download.  In addition, those who would like to listen to the chantings may request Mithilesh (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to send a copy of the audio-recording directly to them by e-mail.   

देवि सुरेश्वरि भगवति गङ्गे त्रिभुवनतारिणि तरलतरङ्गे 
शङ्करमौलिविहारिणि विमले मम मतिरास्तां तव पदकमले ॥१॥

Devi Sureshvari Bhagavati Gangge Tribhuvana-Taarinni Tarala-Tarangge |
Shangkara-Mauli-Vihaarinni Vimale Mama Matir-Aastaam Tava Pada-Kamale ||1||

1.1: O Devi Bhagavati Ganga, the Goddess of the Devas, You liberate the Three Worlds with the (merciful) waves of Your Liquid Form,
1.2: O the Stainless Pure One Who resides in the Head of Shankara, May my Devotion remain firmly established on Your Lotus Feet.

भागीरथि सुखदायिनि मातस्तव जलमहिमा निगमे ख्यातः 
नाहं जाने तव महिमानं पाहि कृपामयि मामज्ञानम् ॥२॥

Bhaagiirathi Sukha-Daayini Maatas-Tava Jala-Mahimaa Nigame Khyaatah |
Naaham Jaane Tava Mahimaanam Paahi Krpaamayi Maam-Ajnyaanam ||2||

2.1: O Mother Bhagirathi, You give Joy to All, and the Glory of Your Water is praised in the Scriptures,
2.2: I do not know Your Glory fully, but in spite of my Ignorance, please protect me, O Compassionate Mother.

हरिपदपाद्यतरङ्गिणि गङ्गे हिमविधुमुक्ताधवलतरङ्गे 
दूरीकुरु मम दुष्कृतिभारं कुरु कृपया भवसागरपारम् ॥३॥

Hari-Pada-Paadya-Tarangginni Gangge Hima-Vidhu-Muktaa-Dhavala-Tarangge |
Duurii-Kuru Mama Dusskrti-Bhaaram Kuru Krpayaa Bhava-Saagara-Paaram ||3||

3.1: O Mother Ganga, You originate from the Feet of Hari, and flow down with Pure White Waves resembling the Whiteness of Frost, the Whiteness of Moon, as well as the Whiteness of Pearl,
3.2: O Mother, Please remove the burden in my Mind created due to Evil deeds, and by Your Grace finally make me cross the ocean of Samsara (Worldly Existence).

तव जलममलं येन निपीतं परमपदं खलु तेन गृहीतम् 
मातर्गङ्गे त्वयि यो भक्तः किल तं द्रष्टुं  यमः शक्तः ॥४॥

Tava Jalam-Amalam Yena Nipiitam Parama-Padam Khalu Tena Grhiitam |
Maatar-Gangge Tvayi Yo Bhaktah Kila Tam Drassttum Na Yamah Shaktah ||4||

4.1: He who has drunk Your Pure Water, Indeed he will obtain the Highest Abode,
4.2: Yama is not able to cast his glance on him (i.e. he goes to Your Abode and not Yamaloka).

पतितोद्धारिणि जाह्नवि गङ्गे खण्डितगिरिवरमण्डितभङ्गे 
भीष्मजननि हे मुनिवरकन्ये पतितनिवारिणि त्रिभुवनधन्ये ॥५॥

Patitoddhaarinni Jaahnavi Gangge Khannddita-Giri-Vara-Mannddita-Bhangge |
Bhiissma-Janani He Muni-Vara-Kanye Patita-Nivaarinni Tri-Bhuvana-Dhanye ||5||

5.1: O Jahnavi Ganga, You are the uplifter of the fallen, and You flow meandering through the Great Mountains (of Himalayas), cutting through them and adorning them,
5.2: O the Mother of Bhisma and the daughter of the great Jahnu Muni, You save the fallen and bring prosperity to the three Worlds.

कल्पलतामिव फलदां लोके प्रणमति यस्त्वां  पतति शोके 
पारावारविहारिणि गङ्गे विमुखयुवतिकृततरलापाङ्गे ॥६॥

Kalpa-Lataam-Iva Phala-Daam Loke Prannamati Yastvaam Na Patati Shoke |
Paaraavaara-Vihaarinni Gangge Vimukha-Yuvati-Krta-Tarala-Apaangge ||6||

6.1: You bestow Fruits to the Worlds like the Kalpalata (Wish-Fulfilling creeper);

He who reverentially bows down to You does not fall into Grief,
6.2: O Mother Ganga, You flow into the ocean with the sportiveness of a young Maiden turning away with side glances.

तव चेन्मातः स्रोतःस्नातः पुनरपि जठरे सोऽपि  जातः 
नरकनिवारिणि जाह्नवि गङ्गे कलुषविनाशिनि महिमोत्तुङ्गे ॥७॥

Tava Cen-Maatah Srotah-Snaatah Punar-Api Jatthare Sopi Na Jaatah |
Naraka-Nivaarinni Jaahnavi Gangge Kalussa-Vinaashini Mahimo
ttungge ||7||

7.1: O Mother, he who has bathed in the flow of Your Pure Water, he will not again take birth 

from the womb of a mother (i.e. have rebirth),
7.2: O Jahnavi Ganga, You save people from falling in the Naraka (Hell) and destroy their Impurities; O Mother Ganga, Your Greatness stands High.

पुनरसदङ्गे पुण्यतरङ्गे जय जय जाह्नवि करुणापाङ्गे 
इन्द्रमुकुटमणिराजितचरणे सुखदे शुभदे भृत्यशरण्ये ॥८॥

Punar-Asad-Angge Punnya-Tarangge Jaya Jaya Jaahnavi Karunna-Apaangge |
Indra-Mukutta-Manni-Raajita-Caranne Sukha-De Shubha-De Bhrtya-Sharannye ||8||

8.1: O Jahnavi Ganga, Victory to You, You make the Impure Body Pure again by Your Holy Waves and Compassionate Glance,
8.2: O Mother Ganga, Your Feet is adorned with the Crown-Jewel of Indra; You give Joy and bestow Auspiciousness to the servant who takes Your Refuge.

रोगं शोकं तापं पापं हर मे भगवति कुमतिकलापम् 
त्रिभुवनसारे वसुधाहारे त्वमसि गतिर्मम खलु संसारे ॥९॥

Rogam Shokam Taapam Paapam Hara Me Bhagavati Kumati-Kalaapam |
Tri-Bhuvana-Saare Vasudhaa-Haare Tvam-Asi Gatir-Mama Khalu Samsaare ||9||

9.1: O Bhagavati Ganga, Please take away my Diseases, Sorrows, Afflictions and Sins and  Evil-Tendencies from my Mind,
9.2: O Mother Ganga, You are the Prosperity of the Three Worlds and the Garland of the Earth, You verily are my Refuge in the Samsara (Worldly Existence).

अलकानन्दे परमानन्दे कुरु करुणामयि कातरवन्द्ये 
तव तटनिकटे यस्य निवासः खलु वैकुण्ठे तस्य निवासः ॥१०॥

Alakaanande Paramaanande Kuru Karunnaamayi Kaatara-Vandye |
Tava Tatta-Nikatte Yasya Nivaasah Khalu Vaikunntthe Tasya Nivaasah ||10||

10.1: O Alakananda, O the giver of Great Joy, Please listen to my Prayers and be Gracious to me, O the Merciful One Who is adored by the Helpless,
10.2: He, who resides near Your River Bank, is indeed residing in Vaikuntha.

वरमिह नीरे कमठो मीनः किं वा तीरे शरटः क्षीणः 
अथवा श्वपचो मलिनो दीनस्तव  हि दूरे नृपतिकुलीनः ॥११॥

Varam-Iha Niire Kamattho Miinah Kim Vaa Tiire Sharattah Kssiinnah |
Athavaa Shvapaco Malino Diinas-Tava Na Hi Duure Nrpati-Kuliinah ||11||

11.1: O Mother, It is better to live in Your Waters like a Tortoise or Fish, or in Your River Bank like a feeble Chameleon, ...
11.2: ... or be an unclean and miserable Low born (but living near You), rather than be a King or High Born but being far away from You.

भो भुवनेश्वरि पुण्ये धन्ये देवि द्रवमयि मुनिवरकन्ये 
गङ्गास्तवमिमममलं नित्यं पठति नरो यः  जयति सत्यम् ॥१२॥

Bho Bhuvaneshvari Punnye Dhanye Devi Dravamayi Muni-Vara-Kanye |
Ganggaa-Stavam-Imam-Amalam Nityam Patthati Naro Yah Sa Jayati Satyam ||12||

12.1: O Bhuvaneswari (Goddess of the World), You are the bestower of Holiness and  Prosperity; O Devi, You are the daughter of the great Jahnu Muni in Liquid Form,
12.2: He who regularly recites this Pure Ganga Stava (Hymn), he truly becomes successful.

येषां हृदये गङ्गाभक्तिस्तेषां भवति सदा सुखमुक्तिः 
मधुराकान्तापज्झटिकाभिः परमानन्दकलितललिताभिः ॥१३॥

Yessaam Hrdaye Ganggaa-Bhaktis-Tessaam Bhavati Sadaa Sukha-Muktih |
Madhuraa-Kaantaa-Pajjhattikaabhih Parama-
ananda-Kalita-Lalitaabhih ||13||

13.1: He who fills his Heart with Devotion to Devi Ganga, he always feels the Joy of Freedom  (within his Heart),
13.2: This Ganga Stotram which is Sweet and Pleasing is composed in Pajjhatika meter; It is like a Great Joy formed with Artless Innocence (of Devotion).

गङ्गास्तोत्रमिदं भवसारं वाञ्छितफलदं विमलं सारम् 
शङ्करसेवकशङ्कररचितं पठति सुखी स्तव इति  समाप्तः ॥१४॥

Ganggaa-Stotram-Idam Bhava-Saaram Vaan.chita-Phala-Dam Vimalam Saaram |
Shangkara-Sevaka-Shangkara-Racitam Patthati Sukhii Stava Iti Ca Samaaptah ||14||

14.1: This Ganga Stotram is the true substance in this Samsara, giving desired Fruits, and is the essence of Purity,
14.2: This hymn is composed by Shankara (Adi Shankaracharya), the servant of Shankara (Shiva); those who read it will be filled with Joy; thus ends this Stava (Hymn) (with good wishes for all).




Jai Ganga Stotram


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