Date : 12.12.12
Today is 12 December 2012. We write this as 12.12.12. Many Kriya-yoga devotees have perhaps perceived directly in their body, blood-cells and bone-marrow (not through any theory or text) that performing 12x12 full-length 'Internal-breathing' pranayams along with passive movement of attention up and down the central line of the spine (which requires two-hours) every day, continuously for 12 days without break, may bring about a radical change in the human separative psyche (Chitta-Vritti). And thus the advent of non-divisive Awareness (Chaitanya or Chiti-Shakti) or the energy of holistic understanding may happen! Machination and mania of the mind may then start melting for the meditation of 'no-mind' to surface! Mind must cease for the most Sacred to be! There can never be any meeting between the shoddy little mind and the Life & Love of 'no-mind'! Thus to-day's date 12.12.12 is very interesting & significant for Kriyabans as it symbolises 12x12x12 pranayams!
During recent Retreat in Ranikhet (Himalayas) and Marseille (France), very profound dimensions of meditation were revealed and understood by the participants.
I - When the sensory perceptions such as seeing or listening happen through the live sensory organs of eyes and ears, there is the immediate intervention and invasion of thought from the contents of our experience structure. Is it possible that the functioning of the organs may occur in patient awareness? Is it possible to delay the thought running into verbalization, likes, dislikes, accepting, rejecting, justifying? This gap between live perception and mind's pursuit --- not the tomy rot taught by the racketeers of the spiritual market --- is meditation.
II - Meditation is the process of 'me-deletion' --- not 'me-dictation'. Is it possible to watch the activities of the 'me' without the 'me'? Is it possible to see the movement of thoughts, just like one may see the movement of leaves in a tree, without any spectatorship? Registration of technical memories, which are useful for performing daily tasks, get contaminated by concomitant psychological registrations consisting of various gratification, glorification and craving for recognition and appreciation. The perfection and excellence in technical performance often get compromised by worries & anxieties arising from psychological ego-entanglements. Maximising factual & technical memories and minimising associated fanciful psychological memories --- is indeed meditation.
III - Is it possible to be in human relationships in a state of 'no-I', that is, without harbouring any image about oneself and about others! Only then a relationship flowers in the benediction of love. This love is meditative and devotional too.
Epilogue: ---
1) Concentration is not the tranquil holistic meditative awareness. Concentration consolidates conditioning of the mind. Once one retired army colonel was concentrating on Lahiri Mahasaya's picture with great effort (an ego-trip indeed) and Shibendu, by chance and coincidence, was there. The Colonel flew into rage as he felt distracted, but subsequently apologised when he came to know that the great grand son of Lahiri Mahasay was there!
2) The wise have 'no mind' to seek enlightenment. The wise do not cling to right or wrong. The wise do not pass their lives in wasted toil. They see the sublime peak of realization of being as-is --- the natural state.
3) This realisation may not seem to have much significance until it is seen how much anger, antagonism and grief arise for the ideas of 'I', 'I', 'I' and 'you', 'you', 'you' or 'us', 'us', 'us' and 'they', 'they', 'they' based on cultural inputs and conditioning or habits of thoughts. These create insurmountable barriers of communication and generate conflict among human beings.
4) When you meditate in solitude, it must be solitude. You must be completely alone, not following a system, a method, repeating words, pursuing a thought, or shaping a thought according to your desire. When there are influences of desire or of the things that the mind is pursuing, either in the future or in the past, there is no solitude. So meditate alone. Get lost. And don't try to remember where you have been. If you try to remember it, then it will be something that is dead. And if you hold on to the memory of it, then you will never be alone again. Let there be meditation in the very secret recesses of your heart, where you have never been before.
5) Bliss, that strange sense of joy, has no motive. You cannot possibly seek it. Meditation is neither the pursuit of pleasure nor the search for happiness. Meditation, on the contrary, is a state of 'no-mind' in which there is no concept or formula, and therefore total freedom. Bliss then comes unsought and uninvited. Once it is there, though you may live in the world with all its noise, pleasure, and brutality, they will not touch you. Once it is there, conflict has ceased. But the ending of conflict is not necessarily the total freedom. In the explosion of bliss, the eyes are made innocent. Love is then benediction.
6) Meditation is both the means and the end. It is not a means to an end.
7) Maturity in meditation is the freeing of the separative psyche from borrowed belief or disbelief systems. Immaturity is the craving for greater and wider 'spiritual experience'.
8) To find out what meditation is, set aside all authority completely and totally, to ensure freedom from all conditioned reflexes.
Jai Mystery of Meditation.