Cassis near Marseille - France
November 16, 2012
The three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati perhaps represent three conspicuous dimensions of the human separative psyche.
1) Ganga represents the garbage of the mind as we dip therein to get rid of this garbage of the 'I-ness', 'me-ness', the selfishness, the sin. Not only the mental garbage, even the industrial garbage, the sewage and what not, are thrown in the Ganga river. Look at what the big cities, which are situated on the bank of the Ganga throughout, are doing day in and day out!
2) Yamuna represents the stupid 'yes-man' in human beings --- always conforming and becoming --- never in the benediction of direct comprehension of 'what is'. Humans are perhaps like a flock of sheep --- if one falls in a well, others just blindly follow; all of them start jumping, one by one, into the well! All human beings also jump into the well of the wicked activites of the mind with its poisons of ambitions, fears, rivalries, notorious dependency on infantile and idiotic belief systems, deceiving one's own self and others, remaining everlastingly in animosity, anxiety and agitation. No one wants to be different --- remaining on the natural vast ground of godliness, holistic awareness of division-free divinity.
3) Saraswati --- the hidden river at the confluence at Allahabad --- represents the 'I', the vanity and vested interests, always hiding behind or beneath every activity of humans --- however pious, religious, spiritual, philanthropic or charitable!
The sangam (confluence of three rivers) at Allahabad may therefore be considered as the human psyche in a nutshell. Let Divinity outpour Amrit Kumbh (a giant Jar or Container of the nectar of Immortality) once in twelve (a significant number) years on this sangam (stupid human psyche in its three aspects) so that humans are set free absolutely and unconditionally by the sanctity of Immortality even though the body would still remain mortal as what is born must also die. Existence, Life, Truth is never born; nor does It ever die!
The Mouni Amavashya Day (10 February, 2013) is this auspicious day. Mouni means something vital, beyond all verbalization, may take place revealing the advent of New Moon light ( Amavasya) of non-divisive awareness which is our natural state, but which remains dormant due to the dominant activities of the separative psyche 'I'.
This message was dictated spontaneously by this body during the Retreat in South France. The gentleman who took down the notes, became very busy in his official work after his return to Geneva; hence the delay in issuing this message.
1) The space that thought generates around the thinker does not have love. This space is the division among human beings. All becoming, the battle of mind, the agony, the fear is in this space. Meditation is the ending of this space!
2) There is no other, as 'I' is nowhere! Only some reference points exist for performing practical and technical tasks.
3) Meditation is not the pursuit of some vision, however sanctified by tradition.
4) Thought cannot enter the endless space of silence in meditation.
5) In the space of meditation, inaction is the highest from of action and supreme action is total inaction! Not idle-ness, but 'I-less-ness'!
6) Seeking is within the frontiers of thought. And thought destroys the ecstasy of the benediction that meditation is, opening the door to the incalculable, to the measureless.
7) This body got horrified when he came across the following definition of meditation in a booklet handed over to him when he visited a billion-dollar spiritual organization's headquarters sometime ago. "Meditation is the deliberate concentration on the mental concept of God". Good luck to you, oh meditators!!!!
8) Freedom from false fragmentation in the inner contents of human consciousness is meditation. This meditation cannot be learned from another. Is it possible to move from innocence ('no-I') to innocence ('no-I')? This is the movement in meditation in which an event is not made into an experience!
Jai Maha Kumbh Mela.
(During the last Maha Kumbha of 2001, on the Mouni Amavasya day, forty million people had visited the Sangam at Allahabad. This time fifty million are expected to arrive!)