Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 253 - Mystery of Christ Awareness in Absolute Freedom



Christmas Eve



1)       Our divisive consciousness is dazed and duplicitous. It does not perceive the dimension of non – divisive Christ Awareness, which is Divinity. It languishes and lingers in the lurch of the so-called religious consciousness” under the banner or slogans of several “brotherhoods” such as Moslem brotherhoods etc. Deep religiousness is indeed Divine Brotherhood or Human Brotherhood in spite of all superficial diversity. Separative Brotherhoods are in the pursuit of profane power game and do not have a comprehension in the sanctity of holistic human awareness.


2)      Pleasure one can buy in a market at a price. But Bliss of happiness cannot be bought. Pleasure is bound by time. But bliss exists in absolute freedom from the psychological time of becoming. Unlike pleasure, bliss has no motive whatsoever! Bliss comes unsought and uninvited. Noise and brutality of mind can never touch the bliss of no-mind! Movement of meditation is bliss. . Love is the lore of the core. Love---not the lure for more---is the benediction of Life.


3)      Total attention to any phenomenon is complete silence, an upsurge of energy! Listen to this, understand this, without any construction of or comparison with any pre-conceived idea. In this attention, there is no centre and thus no frontier too. There is no ‘me’ or ‘I’ who is attentive! This attention, this silence is meditation; is Christ Awareness in absolute freedom without any interference from ‘I’-consciousness.


4)      When one listens to the sound of a dog’s bark or to the cry of a child or to the laughter of a person or to the ringing of church–bells, one rides on it! And it takes one across the valley and over the hill! One is not separate from the sound! Christ Awareness is ending of this separation. It does not come about through any action of will or desire!


5)      Perception without the perceiver interfering, is to commune with the height and depth of the Immense in Christ Awareness. This is not an experience. It is the existential vitality and veracity pervading limitlessly. What is the utility of such Awareness? There is no utility------only an utter mystery! Perhaps it opens the door to the Incalculable and Immeasurable.


6)      Cultivated Christ-Consciousness of the priest craft or of the so-called religious people is not Christ Awareness. In consciousness, there is choice and conflict due to the continuity of the separative psyche ‘I’. In Awareness, there is Freedom or Moksha.


7)      Christ Awareness implies a complete radical change in the divisive mind. This Awareness is freedom from the bondage of all borrowed knowledge and thus It knows what is Sacred.


8)      There is no search for self-fulfilment or the conceit of power in Christ Awareness.


9)      In Christ Awareness, the ultimate is the immediate, but that Ultimate has no symbol; is of no priest, of no god!


10)   Christ- Consciousness is a tame affair, but Christ Awareness is a shattering flash ---It is beyond all thought and feeling.


11)   Christ Awareness is not the indulgence in self-pity or suffering, by keeping someone hanging for over two thousand years. Crying in a church may find an answer, but that answer is the echo of self – pity in its separative phenomenon. Prayers may be self-hypnotic, self-enclosing and destructive. Answers to the prayers are conditioned reflexes from the past, the known.


Christ Awareness is Yoga.

Christ Consciousness is Viyoga.


Christ Awareness is Bhakti.

Christ Consciousness is Vibhakti.


Christ Awareness is Kriya.

Christ Consciousness is Pratikriya.


Christ Awareness is ‘I-less-ness’.

Christ Consciousness is ‘I-ness’.




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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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