Paris –Mumbai Flight
September 30, 2010
Comparisons are made between what is seen and what is in the memory (past). Depending on what is stored, what is seen is either different from or the same as (or similar to) the stored information. Then, depending on the stored input, a sensory perception (tan-matra) is classified as pleasant or unpleasant, gratifying or not gratifying, and this classification gives rise to sensuality (indriya).
The activity of comparing or becoming is thus the phenomenon of the psychological registrations in the memory. One must be available to life directly. It has to be demystified and de-psychologised. The messy mind has produced much destruction. Most destructive of all is “God”- the biggest mess.
“I” is nothing but a set of psychological registrations that gather like rust on the brain causing a steadily increasing atrophy in the organ.
Life is the Universal intelligence which “I” cannot touch. But Intelligence penetrates Man. Such a body is in yoga, which is just a Sanskrit word meaning ‘joined’ or ‘merged’; i.e. in harmony with Life. Therefore when a body is in yoga there is a penetration that has taken place in spite of the psychological registrations – “I”. This happens not because of anything done or not done by the “I”. This penetration is facilitated in a still mind – a mind that is not constantly chattering. Kriyas are taught only to still the chatter. In the dimension of “no – I”, Intelligence penetrates.
An analogy can perhaps assist in clarifying this point. When an electric current is passed through a conductor, there is a phenomenon called resistance that interferes with the energy being transmitted. The result is loss and corruption of the energy. The resistance is a result of the atomic vibration in the conductor that causes interference in the transmission. It is also known that there is a process called superconductivity wherein, when certain metals are cooled to a very low temperature, the resistance drops to almost zero. This is because the atomic vibrations are stilled at that temperature. Yoga is the superconductivity process that enables a live -body to function free from the interference of “I- ness”.
In a body that is in yoga, this activity of the “I” can be dispassionately seen even as it takes place and hence there is no interference in seeing. This is a state of innocence. The state of innocence is a state of ‘not – knowing’ wherein only the technical knowledge functions for practical tasks.
Quantum Physics says that in the subatomic universe of quarks, objects exist in a quantum state of non-separateness. The objects continue to be connected. This connectedness remains unaffected by distance and time! The connecting force does not move through space despite a mysterious movement par excellence. ‘Close’ and “far’ are the same in this quantum state where ‘time’ and ‘space’ lose the conventional meaning as they become inseparable! Quantum physics has thus hit the nature of division-less, timeless Divinity! The ancient sages of humanity also had such revelations when they said: -
Avyaktam vyaktimaapannam manyante maamabuddhayah,
Param bhaavamajaananto mamaavyayamanuttamam.
Naahamprakaashah sarvasya yogamaayaasamaavrutah,
Mudhoyam naabhijaanaati loko maamajamavyayam.
Vedaaham samatitaani vartamaanaani chaarjuna,
Bhavishyaani cha bhutaani maam tu veda na kashchana.
(Bhagvat Gita: vii.24 – 26)
Ground Human Awareness is absolutely free from division in time and space. Even the separative consciousness (conditionings) is very similar all over the planet. Each one of us can unfold the whole story of mankind in one’s own being. When will our “wise” priests and politicians wake up to this fact and help generate a global and vibrant economic and social structure, without the tribal nationalism and without the shoddy books, scriptures, belief systems, bitterness, bigotry and battles promoting the so-called “religion or god oriented” or “secular” intellectually overactive living styles?
Jai Globe