Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages



Traverse City (USA)

 September 11, 2010


The intense talk and the initiation in the energy of understanding have happened to-day here --- a day on which a great devastation took place in this country as a climax of paranoid mental undertakings nine years ago. Let this American soil be the pioneer in dismantling all weapons of mass destruction installed on our planet and in generating a sense of division-less-ness among human beings living on this planet. This freedom from division in the psyche in spite of the external diversity among the human bodies is the only Divinity. All other borrowed concepts and conclusions, ideas and illusions, opinions and obscurities about imaginary "divinity" are products of the illusion which is called and asserted as "I".

Sometime ago, a Kriyaban of great understanding wrote a piece on Swadhyay phenomenon that occurred in his being. Let us all share this with him.


In the past, Guruji had permitted a few Kriyabans to show the techniques of Kriya to sincere and eager uninitiated persons prior to their formal and traditional initiation by him. This was done to assist better understanding of the techniques so that the limited time available on the occasion of an Initiation ceremony does not result in incomplete or wrong grasp of the several profound techniques which are complementary to each other. This was done in a state of complete innocence and in good trust. This unfortunately gave rise to a lot of misuse and ego-centric activities which went beyond restraint and control in the past. Many unscrupulous elements became overnight "gurus". Recently, a north Indian senior Government employee started not only guiding novices in Chennai but also collecting money from them. Guruji has said that all such activities must be stopped forthwith. A gynecologist of USA must also de link her business from the kriya work.

Guruji had once said that thunder is heard some time after lightning is seen. The instant of lightning - that super small moment - there is no light or sound. Both the light and the sound are consequences of the phenomenon of blast that happened. The blast itself is beyond seeing. So also, all the Messages and the verbalization during a retreat are merely consequences of a blast that happened in Guruji's body. By merely listening to this, one does not get blasted. The truth is not there. The truth has to happen in one's own body.

If someone says that reading Guruji's Messages or attending his talks is swadhyay then one has merely replaced other spiritual books and talks with Guruji's.  Baghawat Gita has to happen in the body, Guruji says. So also the Messages have to happen in our body.

Swadhyay - as Guruji says - is the study of the activities of the "I" without any studier. swa (self or I) "a" dhyay (meditation without meditator). Therefore swadhyay also happens and cannot be done. Only kriya can be done.

Practice is good. Understanding the compulsions and conditionings, pursuits and paradoxes of the practitioner is even better. But the profound perception of a blast bringing the benediction of the story of whole mankind in one's being --- thus extinguishing the separative psyche --- is the best. The beaten track will lead you nowhere. There is compassion only in the sense that there is no "other" and so there is no separation. Love can not be preserved in the network of mind, just as the perfume of a flower can not be preserved. What is preserved is only a synthetic and chemical perfume. Love is a living energy. The world's problems are the extensions of your personal problems! The blast shocks; ransacking every nerve, every cell and the marrow of our bones.


Jai Mankind



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