Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages




August 28, 2010

 The beginning in space, according to Planck, is located at 10-33 mm (Ten to the power of minus thirty three) --- a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of one millimeter!


The beginning in time, again according to Planck, is found at 10-43 seconds --- a tenth of a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second!


At this point of the beginning of space-time, the whole universe as is known now with its galaxies, stars, planets & so on; was concentrated in a single dot --- 100 billion billion times smaller than a pinhead! Just as a seed contains the whole map and all the information of growing tree, this single dot did contain the whole potential of this entire universe in expansion as also its ultimate end-up in a mysterious "Black Hole"!


Beneath this single dot and beyond this black hole exists a vitality and veracity, Energy and Intelligence, Chiti-Shakti, which is unknowable, un-manifest, immeasurable, un-nameable, indefinable. To state that "That-ness is indefinable" becomes yet another definition unfortunately and thus even this statement is not correct! A strange Mathematical Intelligence of the non-material Energy suddenly created a unique material dot from which the whole Big Bang dawned to dissolve again into a Big Black Hole of the Holy Energy. And the material-manifest Universe is in tremendous Movement with a perfect mathematical order, while the ground Energy from where the whole thing emerged is in Rest.


Saankhya of Maharshi Kapilacharya and Modern Quantum Physics are not two. What the sage of India understood through an explosion in the innerness, Max Planck got through an excellence of the intellect.


Gatir Bharta Prabhuh Saakshi

Nivaasah Sharanam Suhrit,

Prabhabah Pralayah Sthaanam

Nidhaanam Beejamavyayam.

(Bhagawat Gita IX/18)


Our so-called living is our daily torture, daily insult, sorrow and confusion with occasional joy of 'no-mind'. Ending of this misery (this 'me-ness') is death. We cling to the known and avoid the wonder & mystery of the unknown. What is our known? Our house, our furniture, our family, our tendencies and character, our work, our borrowed knowledge, our fame, our loneliness or self-centeredness, our ultimate greed and gratification called god, our fear and its cunningness --- all these little things that move around incessantly within themselves in a limited pattern of bitterness. Freedom from this every day battle of the known, to be in a state of 'not-knowing', in spite of all knowledge, is the Greatest Enlightenment. This is to die from moment to moment psychologically. Then fear of death totally disappears. Freedom lies beyond the field of separative consciousness which comprises of fragmentations only.


Discipline comes from constant watching of 'what is', which is the false inner division. All disorders emanate from the endless pursuit of 'what should be'. Coercive discipline is fake order and thus it is still disorder.


The explosion within may convert silence into eloquence. It is this eloquent silence that is communicating through words from this body. Looting away of all the 'mine' is the death of the 'me'. There is nothing to remain as remnant. What is now, is nothingness. The building of 'I-ness' collapses. The roof of 'mine' blows away. The walls of dogmas and belief-systems are asunder. The mirror of ideals, which are all 'I', 'I' and 'I', is shattered.  Mountain streams tumbling down cleave the rocks, but water is not harsh. Shibendu's talks are hard-hitting, but not harsh if you can listen! Truth is not harsh, it is light from a sacred lamp that shatters the darkness of ages.



Jai Explosion








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