Kiev (Ukraine)
Thursday (Guruwar), July 8, 2010
Nirvaanavaan Nirmananah
Kshinachittah Prashantadhih,
Anthah Sarva Parityagee
Wahir Kuru Yathaagatam. (5.22)
Being in the existential state of extinction of ‘I-ness’ as also being in the domain of ‘no-mind’ or ‘no-I’, one can be available only to a ‘faint-I’ or a ‘mellowed-mind’ (just for co-ordination of activities in the technical area of functions). Thus one can have the intellect in the dimension of profound peace. Then one can remain totally detached in the inner being and yet perform as required in the outward world of normal life-style.
Shaanta Eva Chidaakaashey
Brahmeti Shabdite Parey,
Kechit Nirneeya Shunyatwam
Kechit Vigyaanamaatrataam. (5.20)
In the profound and peaceful empty space of inner being-ness, transcending the network of words and other affirmations (through subtle verbalization) such as ‘Brahma’, some conceptualize ‘That-ness’ as ‘zero-ness’ while some others may refer to ‘That’ as un-knowable or as a state of ‘not-knowing’.
Kechit Ishwara Rupatwam
Vivadante Parasparam,
Sarvameva Parityajya
Mahaamouni Bhavaanagha. (5.21)
And still others dabble in debates about the many possible forms of the 'Formless' and thus run into various icons – gratifying and assuring.
But what is important, oh my dear beloved one, is to be available to Supreme Silence abandoning all stupid activities of the separative and illusory entity called “I”!
Let us now humbly recite an invocation to Dakshinaamurti – a legendary sage who was capable of transferring his inner perceptions to his disciples without any verbalization, just by remaining in deep devotional Silence.
Om Namah Pranabaarthaaya
Suddha Gyaanaika Murtaye,
Nirmalaaya Prasaanthaya
Dakshinaamurtaye Namah.
Humble obeisance to Omkar and to the essence of the ‘Sound of Silence' as also to the purest personification of the wisdom of ‘not-knowing’. And Sacred Salutation to sage Dakshinaamurti – who is uncontaminated by psyche and is held in unabated Silence.
Jai Yoga Vasishtha