Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation),
18th June 2010
Emptying oneself of the “me-ness” is the emergence of life in meditation and in the real dimension of religion which is the benediction of Divinity.
Routine religions, however, are only the belief-systems of the dirty divisions of mind which keep us separated from the sanctity and surprise of Life.
Guru, as a process, may trigger off an awakening of Intelligence and the discipleship may then be “conceived”. Then “conception” may be protected in the womb of wisdom of listening in a state of let-go and of living and growing in the nourishment of profound teachings from the Guru process without any contamination from the second-hand humbug from scriptures and from other sources of the stinking spiritual market. And then the child of divinity is born in the disciple at an appropriate moment. This child is free from division which borrowed knowledge brings about and thus still remains in a state of “not-knowing” or innocence of divinity. There is therefore no division between Guru and Disciple, just as there is no division between the mother and the child even after the birth and the consequent separation. In spite of the knowing from the Satguru process, there is still no division which usually knowledge generates by propping up a separative “I-ness”. This state of knowing, without the dichotomy between the knower and the known, is the greatest enlightenment and is the absolute and unconditional freedom of humans.
Guru, as personality, imposing his paradoxes and paranoia and thus influencing mischievously and menacingly, is horror and havoc for humanity.
Jai Mother