Kiev, Ukraine
30 June 2010,
Question: What is the source of Kriya Yoga shared by Guruji?
Origin of Kriya Yoga
The origin lies in times immemorial and the sages have been talking about it for thousands and thousands of years. This Kriya Yoga is the only Yoga which is mentioned by name in Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Out of 196 sutras that is the only Yoga mentioned by name. All other “yogas” are latter-day manifestation of the mind and its machination and mania and manipulations and mischiefs. And it is says: “tapas svādhyāy-ishvarapranidhanani kriyā-yoga”, which means this Kriya Yoga also has a Trinity. The Trinity in the western world is God, Son of God and Holy Ghost. And in ancient humanity it is Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara. And in Kriya Yoga it is Swadhyaya, Tapas, Ishvara-pranidhana. For the sake of poetry they have said “tapas, swadhyaya, ishvarapranidhana”, but the thing is “swadhyaya, tapas, ishvarapranidhana”. Swadhyaya is the beginning.
This means waking up to the activities of the separative psyche – the “I” – and how this is “I” always gives continuity to itself. This is what is covering up the Intelligence. This “I” is the chitta-vritti, Intelligence is the Chaitanya. And the activities, the super-activities of the “I” do not allow the Chaitanya to surface. The Chaitanya can be translated as Intelligence. That is the closest translation - and this word “Intelligence” is with the capital “I”. It is not the “shoddy-little-intelligence” which is understood by the psychologists and the people in general. It is not cunningness, cleverness and all the intellectual over-activities. This is not that! This is a dimension of awareness, which is holistic, which has no fragmentation, which has no division. This is the dimension of Intelligence, the Chaitanya! This holistic awareness is not corrupted by choices, by likes-dislikes, preference-aversion, justification-condemnation – it is not affected by such corruptions. The word “corruption” comes from the word “rupture”. Rupture means broken up. Corruption is something which is broken up, split, divided and fragmented. In this awareness there is no corruption, there is no conformity. There is no conforming and becoming. There is only “Is-ness” – existence, not “I-ness” – egocentric activity! This awareness is not available to any intimidation or influence. This awareness is nobody and yet everybody! And this is Intelligence, this is Chaitanya. And this “I”, the “me-me-me”, the self-centered activities, always hovering around, the “I” and all kinds of pursuits and paradoxes and prejudices and pressures; This “I” is chitta-vritti. It is the separative psyche with which we are familiar. This is the consciousness, which we feel, which is full of fragmentation, division, corruption. The enquiry and exploration into this “I-ness”, the “me-ness”, the “ego-ness”, the enquiry and exploration into this “I-ness” – that is called Swadhyaya! That is the beginning of Kriya Yoga.
And with this Swadhyaya the “dominant I” becomes a “sober I”; and it is not so assertive, arrogant - and then there is the awakening of Intelligence, which (usually) remains dormant, which remains quietly in the background because of these activities of the “I”. Although this activity of the “I” is possible because of the connection of Intelligence, we remain totally oblivious of this connection, totally unaware of that Intelligence. Now lessening the activity of this “I” is the emergence of Intelligence. It’s the awakening of Intelligence. It’s the dawn of Intelligence. That is called Ishvara-pranidhana. That means a perception of the dimension of consciousness which is holistic! The dimension with which we are familiar is fragmented, it is divisive, whereas that one is holistic, non-divisive, non-fragmented. Awakening of that Intelligence – that is the third part; and enquiry and exploration into “I” – is the first part. That means enquiry into the chitta-vritti and then reducing the chitta-vritti – leads to resurrection of Intelligence, which remains dormant. This resurrection of Intelligence is Ishvara-pranidhana.
In between there are certain profound practices, which are called Tapas. And this Tapas, this Yoga practice, the Kriya practice – is not a physical fitness program as available in Hatha Yoga studios. Those are OK and those who need it, do it and they are available to certain physical benefit and healing. But that is sabotaged because of the psychological complications, the activities of the “I” and its constant pursuits and becoming. So unless at the outset, in the beginning, there is a psychological healing, which is Kriya Yoga, the physical healing of Hatha Yoga etc. do not bring much benefit. There has to be the benediction of Kriya Yoga at the beginning to be available to the benefit of even Hatha Yoga. And this Kriya practice here is very subtle, but very effective. Its main purpose is to release the body from the stranglehold of the mind. The mind comes from the body. If there is no body – there is no mind. But ultimately it becomes the boss of the body and it interferes in the function of the body, creating all kinds of psychosomatic problems. And the main purpose of these practices is to release this body from the domination of the mind, from the interference of the mind. And the practices are simple. They are transforming. They are not conspicuous and exciting as available in many peculiar Hatha Yoga postures. They are not like that. And yet, there are certain exercises through the frenulum beneath the tongue, which strengthens the glands around: thyroid, pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary. These help the glands to be in command and they give instructions to the body, not thought - interfering and creating a mess. Similarly there is a profound process of bringing equanimity in the separative consciousness through certain special breathing which we call Kriya Pranayama, which is not only special breathing, but also a special awareness in this central line of the sushumna. And then there are, of course, other subtle practices which can reduce the fear pollution and the pleasure pollution. They are the two main things which are the source of all corruption – fear and pleasure. And they are opposites. And we are held in the corridor of opposites! And the basic (pair of) opposites are fear and pleasure. And this practice reduces the atrophy of the brain, which has run into this atrophy because of too much self-centered activities; because of the neurological defect, which has produced the false division in the inner consciousness. So, that is what is happening. Swadhyaya teachings, are very profound but difficult to understand because of the superimposition of cultural input and conditioning. So if that understanding doesn’t happen, we remain in Tapas. And in due course, when the Tapas works Understanding happens. And the two together make a virtuous circle from one virtue to another virtue. In the self-centered activity there is always a vicious circle: from one vice to another vice. But here there is a virtual circle – from one virtue to another virtue and ultimately blasting, exploding into Ishwara-pranidhana – the perception of a dimension of Awareness, which is whole, not fragmented.
Kriya Yoga today
What is being done by this speaker, has been inherited from the forefathers: from father, grandfather, great grandfather, who ran into the Himalayan Mystery and Wonder. And since then it is happening. And we have not made any amendments and alterations. It is flowing in its purest form, its pristine form. Our disciples have taken liberty in making amendments and alterations. And in the spiritual market many things are going on under the banner of Kriya Yoga. Good luck to them! But we have nothing to do with all that. The speaker actually avoided the use of the word “Babaji”, but unfortunately the translator did that. The speaker had intentionally avoided the word, because under the banner of “Babaji” now all kinds of shit activities are going on in the spiritual market! All activities of the mind and its pursuits and its paradoxes and perversions are going on. My forefather called (him) Babaji because any holy man in India is called Babaji and any holy woman – Mataji. It is not all these perversions and paranoia that is going on under his name. And all kind of claims and contra-claims are going on – we are not with that! So, that is why the speaker didn’t utter this but unfortunately the translator has uttered it. And therefore the speaker had to say all this. He says only the Himalayan mystery and wonder – that’s enough. And certain profound teachings and practices are available – that’s enough. Most horrible activities are going on under the banner of “Babaji”. Of late “Babaji” is appearing to every Tom, Dick and Harry and creating all kind of circus and gimmickry and peculiar things, and they are full of stories of surmises and all kinds of miracle mongering The whole spiritual market is getting suffocated by such horrible claims. And such a strange world! We’re not changing – because of the activity of this illusion “I” producing many, many illusions! That is how it’s goes. That is how it (“I”) is protected and preserved! It’s such a tragedy! Even under the banner of Kriya all kinds of activities are going on – tongue cleaning, nose cleaning, the shit cleaning – all kinds of things are going on in the name of the activity of Kriya. Pha...Pha...Phu...Phu...all kinds of such excited breathing in the name of “this kriya”, “that kriya”...It’s such a horror! We have nothing to do! Good luck to them! But what we are doing is what we are doing, which is known by those who come here and some of them are really touched. And that is how the speaker is able to travel all over the world – at the invitation of those people only. They are private people. There is no organization because Truth can’t be organized. Only the ideas about truth are organized! There is no money! There is only Love! And it’s only the inspiration that makes some people invite the speaker and he performs in a very ordinary way, without any kind of glamour and glitter... And the speaker keeps in touch with such people through messages and in the website they are available and because it is Truth it has no copyright. Anybody can use, misuse them, even claim that they have written them – there is no problem! But these messages are there to be in touch with those people who have come to this person. And some of the messages have been translated into the Russian language and they are published in a very beautiful book... And perhaps such a book will be given by these people to you and I can also sign it as a token of my love to you – I will do that. So now, so far this work – traveling all over the world and spreading this Energy of Understanding – has been happening for the last 22 years and so far how many people have exactly come – I can tell you because we have a Register, a Temple Register... Just open this. The Register is there. Take the register. You see, so far the last number is 15461. You see, so many people have come to the speaker. And it is the Energy of Understanding that has hit some of them. That is making the whole work going on. There is no institution, no organization, no sect, no publicity, no propaganda! It’s all very intimate, personal affair. Yes, this is the ninth volume, you see. and eight volumes are already in the temple... This is the ninth volume. And this is the last number ... if you want you can take the photo of this... And also this (picture of Ganesha).
This is a symbol of an icon of Indian divinity. The belief systems are peculiar – that such an icon gives prosperity to people and protection to people. But the spiritual significance is totally different. You’ll find there is a rat here sitting at the feet. So the message of this icon is – the rat is the thought and you’ve kept it in the head. And it’s always running, frightened and aggressive! That is what is making your life miserable. This icon says: “Please, for God’s sake, keep this rat at the feet for performing the daily tasks!” Only then there will be the glimpse of Divinity! Thought is division and Divinity is freedom from division! And this freedom from division – Divinity – is available then, and it is as big as the elephant. That is why at the head there is the elephant. It’s just symbolic. Where is the rat? Where is the elephant? And we’re amused in rat! We’re entertained by rat! We’re preoccupied with rat! So it says: “No, no, keep the rat there at the feet for practical reasons for food, clothes and shelter and other performances. And be available to Ishvara Pranidhana, to the Divinity in the consciousness, which means holistic awareness, which means the Otherness, the Godliness.” That is the meaning of this symbol.
This is of course a Hindu symbol. But the speaker is just a human being. He has nothing to do with being a Hindu, or a Christian, or a Muslim or a blah, blah, blah... There is no such thing as Hindu consciousness, and Muslim consciousness, and Christian consciousness.. There is Hindu conditioning, Muslim conditioning, Christian conditioning. It’s the conditioning that separates. The holistic consciousness unites, it doesn’t separate. And that is the beauty of Creation. We’ve a unique body but it contains universal human consciousness. So much of diversity – but no division whatsoever. See, as I was saying what Kriya Yoga is so much time has gone.