May 24, 2009
Mind and its magnification or malignancy --- the 'I' (the psyche) --- separated from life i.e. the Chittavritti separated from Chaitanya i.e. the intellect separated from Intelligence, is always interested in getting influenced by other minds. Mind is also eager to influence other minds through propaganda and publicity, campaigning and convincing, threatening and alluring. And thus politicians, priests, gurus, psychotics, intimidators, aggressors, terrorists, sooth-sayers, astrologers and greed or fear promoters play havoc in human lives.
Life can not and does not influence another life. It is the unique flowering on each occasion without any fragmentation in its universality. Life is a wonderful and mysterious diversity without any division whatsoever! If this is seen, human beings will be available to an energy of understanding without the burden of mental undertakings imposed by society and its machinations. Humans will be available to an awakening of Intelligence which remains dormant due to the dominant activity of the separative 'I'.
Induction is a natural live-process like electro-magnetic induction. If the delusory dichotomy in the inner being of someone has been dissolved and if another person comes in contact and whole-heartedly listens , the inner duality in the listener giving rise to the 'I'-ness may vanish through the process of induction which is then a radical transformation of riddance from the 'I' --- not merely a re-construction. 'I' then is present only as a reference-point, as a coordinator, for practical reasons --- not for pursuits, pressures, paradoxes and perversions of psychological nature.
A steel-magnet bar can induce magnetism in an iron-bar only. Induction is not possible, if it is a wooden-bar. Moreover, the induced magnetism in an iron-bar is only temporary, whereas it is permanent is a steel bar. Swadhyay and Tapas (pondering on 'I'-ness and Kriya-practice) may transform us into iron and steel. The messages occasionally received from kriyaban devotees indicate that such induction-process is happening and this is not being influenced by the guru-personality. Guru-process is also induction-process.
Let us see this process in a Ph.D. (physics) scholar Kriyaban-devotee of Banaras Hindu University (Varanasi) who has written a poem emanating from the energy of understanding : ---
The research our group carries out in the technical world deals with endogenous rhythms in the body, genetic and physiological rhythms that respond to light, darkness, hormones, other energy. The centers involved are supposed to be distinct from those brain centers which perceive rhythms in music. Our research shows how infinitesimally little we know or understand, yet our body responds to both these rhythms at profound and complex levels which our shoddy minds cannot.
Essence of part Guruji's messages heard by this body:
Strive not to be pious, strive not to be a sinner, strive not to finish last, strive not to be the winner.
Seek no thing, let there be life, an end to strife, an end to “mind”.
Come out of your caves, and delusions of power, see the light, perceive the flower.
Be supreme, be nothing, simply sing.
No war is fought, nor won, no payback or exchange.
Sing now of the eternal joy, the joy understanding brings.
Let your struggles die with the song and the singer who sings.
Let the rhythm of the love that is life sing its own true song.
Jai eternal poetry. Jai the song of love. Jai the song of nobody.