Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 167 - Spreading the Energy of Understanding (Chiti-Shakti) through the melody of the messages.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Benalmádena, Málaga (South Spain)


During the big Bon-fire (yagna) ceremony in the recent Retreat of England, it was resolved that a nine-member Committee would begin functioning to render the messages into poems, to tune them in melodies and to play them by musical programmes throughout the world. This would be the latest Lila (play) of Universal Intelligence on this planet and It would perhaps use the bodies of the kriyabans who are induced & inspired around Shibendu.


In the latest mini-retreat in the mountains of Valencia (Spain) during 1-3 May 2009, the Jt. Coordinator decided to create a Kriya Musical Band (he himself is a flute-player like Krishna) to spread the Joy of understanding poetically and melodiously. Benediction be with these devotees whose names are written below for record and information of all kriyabans throughout the world.

            England: Jerome, Nicolas, Ingrid, Tyagi, María, Prema, John and two Marks.

            Spain: Javier Arasa (more will join in the band-party).


Now, let us see below what Prema writes to set the ball rolling: -


“This body would like to express heartfelt thanks particularly for the opportunity to engage in song writing based on the messages. Prema has started with no.68 which is a favourite, and the verses – as well as the tune – have already come! As discussed during the yagna, this body will work with Tyagi, as the inspiration comes. It is once again happening, of its own accord, and this body feels a deep sense of alignment with this activity of writing and singing. Who knows – perhaps the next sequence of gunas is unfolding!”


Thus, just as a feather is carried by the wind in an unknown journey over great distances, this body is swept by this creative wind, whose song is so clear and yet so subtle; whose tune is that of Life, full of carefree fragrance and graceful movement.


Someone in the group told this body that they did not understand why we were not using mantras and bhajans in this song writing, and the response from this body was immediate and unequivocal: “here, we are not interested in repeating or copying! This song writing must arise out of a profound movement of understanding in the body when absorbing the messages on the website. If mantras come up as part of this process, of course they will be included”. If the memory is engaged in this song writing, how can it be an expression of that which cannot be known, and one then produces song for funerals, not for celebration! This is a mind-free creative process, but yet again, the divisive human brain cannot comprehend this. In such a brain, the separative “I” thinks: others have been so successful in singing mantras and bhajans, at times with such fervour; others made so much money and became famous, so why not go the same way they did? But this is the road of the past, so constricted with repetition, expectation and projections. This road leads no where but to darkness, confusion and dullness. How can the spontaneous creative process arise out of following others, who belong to the obscure and dualistic dimension? The fact is that there is no road to follow and no past to refer to, just as there is no future to envisage. The song writing is here and now. Greed in the form of fame and riches has nothing to do with this creative process. These (fame and riches) may happen as a consequence of such creativity, because Life itself is abundance.


There is a remarkable parallel between the fundamental law of quantum mechanics – the superposition principle – and the natural state of a human being (that is being in “no-mind”, choice-free). Let us therefore be free from I-ness, the illusion”.


Can there be an observation without the duality (adwaita) between the observer and the observed in the inner being? Let us remain with this question. And, who knows, the question and the questioner may be dissolved for the Divinity to be!



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