Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 166 - Walking the Western Way is to proceed towards the darkness of the mind away from the light of life that rises in the East.


April 11, 2009


The Bible says that you are a product of ‘sin’; you are a ‘sinner’. Thus you do not have to intelligently look into your inner being to be free. After all you are not responsible! It is due to the ‘original sin’ of Adam & Eve --- the reason is outside of you --- so you just have to depend on the ‘Son of God’, the saviour, who will send you to ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’ on some future ‘judgment day’! The conversion of time into the measurement of the “past, present and future” from the eternal, existential timeless spring of life is done by the mind and its undertakings. This is what everlastingly maintains the dark corridor of opposites, such as heaven & hell, without feeling the need to blast into the non-dual third dimension of Moksha (freedom). As a ‘sinner’ you are condemned to mind’s self-pity, guilt and gullibility. Then you must go crawling to the Church and be overwhelmed by the obscurity of the greatest symbol and worst parody of suffering & self-pity (‘I’-ness most intensified) --- The Holy Cross! What the Cross really says is wipe out (the horizontal line) the ‘I’ (the vertical line). The whole hypocritical game of confession of the previous six days’ sins on Sunday is to get ready for the next six days’ sins!


Marx says that the reason for your suffering is that society is divided into classes. So you don’t have to look into your fear, your greed glorified as ambition, your dependency on belief-systems, your acquisitive & accumulative values, your jealousy promoted as comparison, to be free from such mental pollutions. Marx will not allow you to realise that society is ‘you’! For ‘you’ constitute the society and to change the society, there must be a radical change in your ‘you-ness’. Otherwise, revolution would just be a modified continuity of the same old rot in yet another garb. It would just be a re-evaluation, not a revolution! By changing the society through the philosophy of ‘class-struggle’ you need not change. Thus you end up generating another class of power-grabbers propping up a Stalin killing ten million people in Soviet Russia; just as Christians have killed many millions of people all over the planet Bible in hand and chanting ‘love thy neighbour as thy self’.


Marx actually recycled Judeo-Christian themes and threads and wove them into his theory known as ‘Marxism’. He claimed to have swallowed the demon of religion to become the demon himself in the form of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and so on. Marx is the Christ returned in secular garb. ‘Das Capital’ is the inheritance of the Bible! Marx is a Jew par excellence despite his apparent rejection of the Judeo-Christian tradition! Judeo-Christian concepts have been reworked and secularised in Marxism. Marx remained a Judeo-Christian to his bones; kingdom of heaven and kingdom of happiness through communism are same! All opposites contain the elements of their own opposites.


And in the act of spreading the Christian message of love or the socialist revolution, violence is seen as inevitable! The Koran (2:191), also an inheritance from Judeo-Christianity, says: ‘Burn them at stake, throw them into concentration camps, slaughter them for the greater good and for the greater glory of God, Allah ho Akbar!’ Marx’s vision was basically poetic and Judeo-Christian, though it was couched in rational and scientific expressions. The world has suffered enough from the visions of visionaries, the missions of missionaries and from the performances of the prophets!


Freud said that your problems are due to shocks and traumas received and stored up in deeper levels of consciousness during your upbringing and that analysts can help you in reconstructing the ‘I’, but they would never talk of getting rid of the ‘I’. And that leads to such complications that the suicide-rate among psychologists is double of that among others. Analysis is alright in matters technical wherein there is dichotomy between the subject and object. But where the analyser (mind-ego) is the analysed (again mind-ego), analysis is paralysis. Adler claimed that it is the ‘inferiority complex’ and the ‘will to power’ that are the problems. He prescribed methods to tackle them.


The West says that “I think, therefore I am” and considers that the dichotomy between the ‘thinker’ and ‘thought’ is an actuality. But the East persuades us to wake up to the connection of Energy-Intelligence (Chiti-Shakti) that is available in a living body and not to remain amused in the net-work of thought and its spurious split into ‘thinker’. This delusory dichotomy prevents the awakening of the dormant divinity and sustains the separative consciousness which envelops us and keeps us in sorrow and suffering. But the East says that the connection is Whole, for only Whole can be taken from Whole and thereupon Whole alone remains! This is the mathematics of the Wholeness, the Immeasurable, the Unlimited, the Un-nameable. Infinity minus Infinity is still Infinity. ‘You’, as life, is Divine. ‘You’, as the shoddy little mind, may be the Biblical bastard ‘sinner’ who has to run into beliefs, bigotry and battles, waiting everlastingly for the ‘saviour’, or the ‘prophet’ or the ‘avatar’ or the ‘sat-guru’ or the ‘messiah’ or the ‘bhagwan’, ‘hansraj’, ‘paramhansa’, ‘baba’, ‘mata’, ‘ananda’ and so on.


Purnamadam Purnamidam

Purnat Purnam Udachyate,

Purnasya Purnamadaya

Purnameva Vasisyate.


Availability to the inwardness, to the centripetal insight by and for one self is the message of the East. There is nothing out there, everything is in here. Can there be seeing without seeking?


Abhayam Sathwasansuddhir

Gyanyoga Vyavasthitih,

Daanam Damascha Yagnascha

Swadhyaystapa Arjavam.

(Bhagawat Gita 16.1)



Jai Wholeness

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