Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 165 - Sangeet (Melody)



April 7, 2009


Samanvay (Harmony – Yoga)

Samajhdari (Energy of Understanding)

Samarpan (Freedom to be available to Surrender of the 'I')

Sunyata (Emptiness, Hollowness of the Flute, Holiness, Wholeness)

Sthitapragna – Samadhi (Equanimity, Absolute and unconditional  choicelessness or Impartial Awareness, Universal Intelligence)


This message is from a devotee (division-less-ness) from England on the eve of the advent of Shibendu's vitality in England!


Here is a remarkable example of how music can be an immediate expression of Life, of the Universal Song continuously broadcast by the Universal Intelligence.

One of the most successful composers in his genre responded that he does not copy anyone and that nature is his only inspiration. He also explained that he never learnt to read and write music as he could not understand it. To him, it is all about spontaneity.


This body (devotee-Kriyaban) sees that imitation is human (mind) but creation is divine (Life). As Life is creativity for its own sake, distinct and independent from the efforts of the human mind, a body open to its (Life) tune, will act as a channel.


There is then free expression, an abandon, in letting the melody flow through the body. Limitation being alien to Life, success is thus assured, as this authenticity gives such artistic expression a widespread appeal.


This can only happen when a body is free, that is, where there is no attempt from the mind to control the creative process. At the same time, there is nothing to talk about or describe: it is all happening! Effortless and most wondrous creativity! Thus when Life is allowed to flow unimpeded by the barrage of the mind, beauty and wonder are in evidence; whether through music, visual art or dance for instance, the whole process is spontaneous and each expression is unique. It is unceasingly remarkable how this universal, impersonal intelligence manifests Itself.


What a wonder indeed: from this Great Nothingness, this great, unfathomable Silence, all manners of wondrous sounds and melodies come into being. And who is here to listen?



Jai Melody, Jai Devotee


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