Sofia Bulgaria,
May 29, 2009
Cultivated silence is clandestine noise. Separative consciousness made still with will (ego) is not the silent comprehensive awareness. Cultivation is conflict. It promotes the inner division – the illusion”I” – generating conflict, confusion, chaos at every level of human affairs. How can the benediction of divinity dawn by perpetuating division? The total denial of the inner phenomenon of becoming – the psychological time – is the bliss of Being. And this is Silence.
This is not to be arrived at through self-hypnotic techniques of the marketed yoga or by struggling with paradoxical zen-koans.
Let us free ourselves from the social structure that is operating in us without being antisocial, without being a reformer, without being anti-this or anti-that. One can throw the whole social stupidity out of one’s system and be totally free from the burden of this contrived culture and conditioning. And when this happens, one does not have any more the choking feeling of what this horrible conditioning has done in one’s inner self – this horror of relationship with non-stop pretensions and pride of this ugly image-making machinery called “I” and its surreptitious and subversive antagonism, arrogance and aggression. Surrendering of this “I” is Silence.
The fear of sinking is the very thing that makes it impossible for you to let the movement of swimming happen in its own way. Otherwise, there is the buoyancy of water that keeps you afloat. To understand and to be effortless in every action is to be available to Silence.
You have eighty per cent of water in the body and there is eighty percent of water in the trees as also eighty percent of water on this planet. To understand this is to be in harmony with nature and environment. This is peace and Silence.
Separative consciousness (mind) is born of sensuality arising from choices which interfere with sensory perception (life). Sexuality (mind) is interference with sexual energy (life). To comprehend this is to know silence. Silence is volcano of veracity. Silence is something vital and living – it is the death of “I”. When silence expresses itself, “you” are not there. So there is no experience of Silence.
Krishna Conscionesness, Buddha Conscionesness, Christ Conscionesness or whatever you are indulging in, are all your ego-trips and thus trips away from the Sacred Silence despite their hypnotic spells which appear to be silence.
The teachings of Prophets, Saviours and Religious teachers have resulted only in violence. Everybody talked of peace and love, while their followers practiced violence. Following is destructive. Religious life is a life of meditation in which the activity of “I” is not, but only the action of Silence. Organized religion is mafia and is a neurological problem. With the advent of Silence, everything is wiped out. Silence releases tremendous energy, invigorating, blasting the continuity of thought.
Real Silence is explosive; it is not the dead state that the so-called spiritual seekers think.
Silence is the roar of Ocean. It is outside the field of teachability or practice!
Jai Silence