Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 220 - Discipleship-process in Tagore-songs (Continued)


15 Aug. 2011



Aamaar Maathaa Nauto Kore Daao Hey Tomaar

Chauron Dhulaar Tauley,

Saukol Auhonkaar Hey Aamaar Dubaao Chokhero Jauley.

Nijere Korite Gourobo Daan Nijere Kebauloi Kori Aupomaan,

Aaponaare Shudhu Gheria Gheria Ghurey Mori Pauley Pauley.

Saukolo Auhonkaar Hey AamaarDubaao Chokhero Jauley.

Aamaare Naa Jeno Kori Prochhaar Aamaaro Aapon Kaaje

Tomaari Ichcha Kauro Hey Purno Aamaaro Jibono Majhhey.

Jaachi Hey Tomaar Chauromo Shaanti

Paraaney Tomaar Pauromo Kanti ---

Aamaarey Aaral Koria Daanrao Hridoyo Paudmo Dauley,

Saukolo Auhonkaar Hey Aamar Dubao Chokhero Jauley.


Let this disciple's head be kept pressed in the dust under Thy Feet so that the false division "I", inhibiting the brain therein, is sunk in the tears from the omniscience of  "no-I". "I-ness", in its desperate pursuits for glorification and gratification, runs into the phenomena of insulting and injuring the Holy "no-I" in a variety of ways. "I-ness" just revolves around deadly egocentric activities. Let this disciple not promote his vanity and vested interest under the pretext of performing "pious" work. Let non-violent, non-conflicting, non-divisive action be generated from the Holistic Energy of Understanding in the dimension of 'no-I' --- Purna Chaitanya, not the shoddy-little Chitta-Vritti. The discipleship, here in this body, solicits Thy mysterious Peace, Thy wonderful form in the utter formlessness, Thy strange all-one-ness in spite of aloneness. Let this "I" be dormant to allow "no-I" to unfold in the Lotus-like Heart of Awareness without the duality of attachment and aversion.


Perceptions :

Is there justice in the world? You are clever, I am not. You have money, I have not. You have capacity and another has not. You have talent, you can enjoy and I have been born poor. One has a crippling disease and the other has not. Seeing all this, we say; there must be justice somewhere. We move from lack of justice to an idea of justice --- God is just! But the fact remains that there is terrible injustice in the world. The crooks get away with everything and there are marvelous churches and great riches while millions and millions are starving! Awareness itself sees the absurdity of all this; it sees the necessity of change, not because God or the priest or somebody tells one to change.

And then the change, the mutation, a radical event with the riddance from the "I" may happen by the energy of 'no-I'. This redeeming feature exists in human beings despite all the pressures and perversions from the influences of propaganda by the ambitious, aggressive and filthy people inhabiting this beautiful planet earth and destroying the benediction of the living quality of life.


Jai Discipleship again

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