16 Aug. 2011
Antaro Maumo Bikashito Karo Antarotaro Hey ---
Nirmalo Karo, Ujjwalo Karo Sundaro Karo Hey.
Jaagroto Karo, Udyato Karo Nirbhayo Karo Hey,
Mangal Karo, Niralas Nihsamshayo Karo Hey.
Jukto Karo Hey Saubaar Sangey, Mukto Karo Hey Baundho;
Saunchaar Karo Saukolo Karme Shaanto Tomaar Chhando.
Chauron Padme Maumo Chito Nispandito Karo Hey,
Nandito Karo, Nandito Karo, Nandito Karo Hey.
Let the Life connected in this body remain overflowing, generating purity in awareness, brightness and beauty in attitude. Let the vitality of compassion remain wakeful and enthusiastic discarding fear, dependency on and exploitation of others. Let benediction pervade all over dispelling doubts, divisions, lethargy and laziness. Let freedom and harmony prevail everywhere. Let actions be performed in the non-divisive rhythm of Divinity without any contamination from reactions and contradictions. Let all conflicts dissolve at Thy Lotus Feet bringing total stillness in consciousness without any ripple whatsoever. Let there be the joy, ecstasy and euphoria.
Perceptions :
- Discarding of ‘what should be’ and delving in ‘what is’, bring about a change in the pattern of the brain cells. This happens straightaway, gradualness has no place here. This is insight!
- Mediocrity can be broken through, when there is no sense of comparison. That gives us an immense freedom psychologically. One is then out of that mediocre class all together – a totally different state of vitality and awareness thereby emerges.