14 Aug. 2011
Oi Aaason Tauler Maatir Paurey Lutiye Raubo,
Tomaar Chauron-Dhulai Dhulai Dhusoro Haubo.
Kyano Aamaai Maan Diye Aar Durey Raakho?
Chiro Janam Emon Korey Bhuliyo Naako.
Asanmaane Aano Tene Paaye Taubo.
Tomaar Chauron-Dululai Dhulai Dhusoro Haubo.
Aami Tomaar Jatridauler Raubo Pichhey,
Sthaan Diyo Hey Aamai Tumi Saubaro Niche.
Prosad Laagi Kautoi Lokey Aasey Dheye,
Aami Kichhu Chaibo Naato, Roibo Cheye -
Saubaar Shese Jaa Baaki Roi Taahai Laubo.
Tomaar Chauron-Dhulai Dhulai Dhusoro Haubo.
Let this body go gray by rolling in the dust of Thy feet collected under Thy blissful seat on which Thy sit upon! Let this disciple be not set aside by designating him as someone important and worthy. Let him not be insulted and neglected by giving unnecessary value to his 'respectable position and prominence'. Please drag him under Thy feet mercilessly so that his body may again turn gray in the dust under Thy feet.
This disciple would like to remain behind all thy other disciples. Please consider this disciple as the lowest of all. Others will rush for your prasad (Divine food) and blessing ahead of the queue. But let me stand behind all for whatever residue is left, because I would like to go gray again by rolling in the dust of Thy Feet!
Perceptions in the body of a young Bulgarian disciple.
In the late evening at Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, some interesting insight happened about the nature of human relationships, Life, Love, and mind. So, I would like to share this inner journey.
There hasn’t been recently a compulsion in this body to call a particular girl "my girlfriend", as "my" is actually mind and it is not real; it is a pretension of ownership and this pretension is ego, aggression, creating tension in the body and many psychological problems, like obsession, jealousy, etc. So, there is no question of calling somebody "my girlfriend" or "my wife" and creating images and future projections.
And Love happens in different and sometimes mysterious ways, it does not require for one to get married and follow the widely accepted (but far less widely successful) social pattern; as every following and every pattern belongs to the mind, which keeps us in the illusions and delusions separated from Life and Love! Following, in any form, is frustrating!
So if Love happens between two bodies in this pure and innocent dimension of Life, which is not yet polluted by mind, let Life be the Priest of this holy "marriage ceremony" and let this marriage ceremony happen from moment to moment as Energy of Understanding, blasting all divisions and pollutions of the mind; just as we say that real Fire Ceremony happens in the body, wherein the fake "I" is burnt every moment through the process of "Om Swaha" --- Awareness in which there is seeing without the see-er.
Of course, we understand that there is no particular charm in being anti-social and anti-traditional, so there is no serious antagonism against formal ceremonies, but there is the understanding that the formal ceremonies, which follow social patterns, can never be the adequate substitute of the real ceremony, happening within! And whatever Life performs, mind does not understand, cannot understand, need not understand, as mind is only an undertaking --- not understanding!
Yasya Naaham Krito Bhavo
Buddhir Yasya Nau Lipyate,
Hatyapi Sau Imanllokan
Nau Haunti Nau Nibadhyatey.
(Bhagawat Gita XVIII/17)
Jai Discipleship