Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 214 - Tagore's song 'beyond'!



2 July 2011



Daanriye Aachho Tumi Aamaar Gaaner Opaarey -

Aamaar Sur Guli Paaye Chauron, Aami Paai Ne Tomaarey.

Baataas Bauhey Mori Mori, Aar Bendhey Rekho Naa Tori -

 Eso Eso Paar Hoye Mor Hridoy Maajhaare.

Tomaar Saathey Gaaner Khyaala Doorer Khyaala Je,

Bedonaate Baansi Baajaaye Saukol Byala Je.

Kaubey Niye Aaamaar Baansi, Baajaabey Go Aapni Aasi,

Aanondomoy Neerob Raater Nibir Aandhaarey.


One suddenly begins seeing eternity in the song of a mysterious dimension beyond one's 'me-ness'!

Melodies are then in the 'Feet', but "I-ness" still remains aloof from the Reality of "no-I"!

Let the binding string of the boat (silly mind) be broken by the strong wind of life --- the non-divisive Awareness!

Divine Melody is the Lila (play) of the Immeasurable and the Eternal in deep Compassion.

Let the fragmented song of the "I" vanish in the vitality of the all-pervading joy and silence of the Divine Flute!


Perceptions in a Devotee's being


1) Transformation of mind to no-mind is a chance; and so is the reversal when a body in no-mind loses the state of surrender and goes back to mind - the separative consciousness.


The word ‘grace’ connotes something desirable; whereas the word ‘chance’ has no such implication. Chance could be desirable or undesirable. “Chance’ is a neutral word, a choice-less word. It is perhaps an appropriate word to describe the phenomena of transformation of mind to no-mind and vice versa because Universal Intelligence does not care whether a body is in mind (Chitta-Vritti) or in 'no-mind' (Chaitanya).


The ‘no-mind’ we talk about is the state of understanding where there is a seeing that the machinations of the mind are what give rise to the dichotomy of ‘I’ and ‘You’.


Perhaps that is why in ancient India the sages classified the state of understanding - of equanimity that results from such understanding – into two. The state of equanimity where choice still exists is called Savikalpa Samadhi and the state of no-choice is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi. ‘Vikalpa’ means choice and the prefix sa and nir mean with and without respectively. Samadhi means ‘established in equanimity’.


As long as thought exists (brain’s thinking activity), there is the "thinker" generated. Sometimes, by chance, there is a state of no-thought for a significant length of time without the "thinker" too. But a non-verbal, pre-linguistic, non-divisive existential Awareness prevails untouched by the structure of experience.


The Gunas (traits and tendencies – some with which we are born (genes) and some which are acquired through conditioning) present in the body perhaps influence the chance – either way – and that is why kriya practice is so important for especially those bodies where the Gunas tend to ‘block’ the penetration of Intelligence.


Kriya practice is meant to work through the body on the mind silencing its activities. They transform the Gunas. They are a great cleansing process that helps to make the body available to the chance of penetration of Intelligence.


2) Swadhyay, the state of meditation without meditator, happens during a gap between thoughts, but it is expressed when thought returns. The state of a body in the moment of Understanding is a state of existence not experience, but when a body that has existed in such a state begins to experience again, it – the meditative state - is sustained by the energy of understanding.


This gap between thoughts happens when for that moment ‘I’, the thinker (the spurious split in the field of thought) gets extinguished. It is an intense moment; full of Energy, full of Beauty. Such a moment can never be achieved. It can only happen. It is never done. If it is done; it is dirty, it is devilish!


The perception of the Otherness that happens when this gap occurs is an enlightenment that lasts for the instant. It is a state of wonder and mystery and yet ‘I’ (the Gunas that comprise of the separativeness) feels gratified when the instant is over and it has returned to its seat of memory, mind and the ego-experience structure. ‘I have been enlightened’ is a stupid statement, because ‘I’ which is network of entanglements, can never be enlightened!  'I' gets erased when enlightenment flashes.


The intensity of the flash of understanding in the thought-gap is so high and the euphoria so overpowering that perhaps the later dilution of this (when ‘I’ re-enters) is necessary for the body to survive. But the seeing – the Energy of Understanding - that happens along with it, prevents this dilution from becoming a corruption. In this dimension of the radical change, 'I' still functions to perform the daily tasks. But a totally different spirit takes over. 'I' then is never a continuity point, but merely a coordinator!


Kriya practice helps to maintain this fine balancing act between thought and no-thought. 


Jai Beyond

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