Earth Spirit
Somerton (England)
14th May 2011
- Aaji Bijono Ghaure Nishitho Raate
Aasbe Jodi Shunyo Haatey,
Aami Taite Ki Bhoy Maani Jaani,
Jaani Bondhu Jaani Tomaar
Aachhey Toe Haatkhaani.
Chaawaa-Paawaar Pauthey Pauthey
Din Ketechhe Konomautey,
Ayakhon Somoy Holo Tomaar Kaachhe
Aaponaakey Deey Aani.
Aandhaar Thaakuk Dike Dike
Aakaash Aundho Kaura,
Tomaar Paurosh Thaakuk
Aamaar Hridoy Bhauraa.
Jeebon Dolaay Duley Duley
Aaponaare Chhilem Bhuley,
Ayakhon Jeebon Mauron Dudik Diye
Nebe Aamaay Taani.
- Jey Raatey Mor Duaar Guli Bhaanglo Jhaurey,
Jaani Naai Toe Tumi Eley Amaar Ghaurey.
Saub Jey Hoey Gyalo Kaalo,
Nibey Gyalo Deepair Aalo,
Aakash Paaney Haat Baaraalem Kaahaaro Taurey?
Aundhokare Roinoo Porey Swapono Maani,
Jhaur Jey Tomaar Jayodhyaujaa Taai Ki Jaani!
Saukaal Byala Cheye Dekhi,
Daanriye Aachho Tumi Eki,
Ghaur-Bhaura Mor Shunyotaaroi Bukero Paure.
The living quality of life remained compromised so far in the agonising lurch of the nerve- wrecking phenomenon of wanting and getting. And the occasion has now come to surrender this ”I” absolutely and unconditionally in Thy Holy Hands!
Let the darkness of the divisive mind remain for the daily tasks of triviality, but may the touch of Thy Hand continue unabated in the non-fragmented emptiness of the Inner-ness.
Life was being wasted in the mental-material delusions and deceptions so far. And now this mind may be melted and dissolved in the ocean of Immortality despite the mortality of the body-mind outfit.
- In the intense night of the nasty “I-ness”, the door of the defence-mechanism of the dirty and
Divisive “me-ness” was suddenly blasted by a booming storm. And thus Thou entered in one's innermost space revealing the mysterious compassion!
Initially one was bewildered by the enormity and suddenness of it all, but then one opened up to a Strange Otherness!
For a while, one remained in the obscurity of a divisive doubt, but then one instantly doubted the doubt and the storm was understood deeply as Thy Flag of Vitality and Veracity. Then there was the dawn; and in the total emptiness of one's inner being, saw Thee standing right on one's chest!
Jai Insight!