Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 215 - Tagore's song on 'No-mind'


3 July 2011


Samsaara Jobe Mon Kere Loy, Jaage Naa Jaukhon Praan,

Taukhono, Hey Naath, Pronomi Tomaaye Gaahi Bosey Taubo Gaan.

Auntoroyaami, Khaumo Se Aamar, Shunyo Moner Brithaa Upohaar --

Pushpo-Bihin Puja- Aayojan, Bhokti-Bihin Taan.

Daaki Taubo Naam Susko Kaunthey, Aashaa Kori Praan Poney --

Nibir Premer Sauroso Baurosa Jodi Neme Aase Mone,

Sauhosa Yakoda Aapona Hoite Bhori Dibe Tumi Tomaar Amritey,

Ei Bhaurosaaye Kori Paudotaule Shunyo Hridauyo Daan.


When the humdrum hovers around all over, not allowing the inner Holiness to reveal Itself; even then, O' the Lord within, let this stupid mind be available to a profound salutation to Thee, to an offering of a song to Thee! And this worthless myth called mind is the only thing that can be placed now at Thy 'Feet'! Would a pardon be possible for this act of stupidity?

One is desperate to utter Thy Holy name with a flowerless worship and devotionless melody! But then Thy Love may suddenly shower on this stupid mind converting it into a sacred life filled with the nectar from 'Thy Hand'!


Perceptions :


1) When we are caught in our unnatural state of the "I-ness" (Chittavrithi), we function in the dimension of opposites, constantly struggling to become something other than our being. We desperately seek 'what should be', refusing to see 'what is'. We waste energy in search of non-existent 'gods' and futile 'goals' generated by the garbage of our greed and fear. "I", the "me" - with its self-protective mechanism and its fascist nature perpetuating its fragmentation in various forms - is not the instrument to help us to live in harmony with the life around us, with "No-I-ness" (Chaitanya).

2) In the natural state, there is the simple physiological state of being --- a state of primordial awareness without any primitivism. The developed separative consciousness remains available for performing the daily tasks without reactions or conflicts or conditioned reflexes. It is a state of 'not-knowing' in spite of knowledge!

3) When 'I-ness' is suppressed, one appears to be humble. But when 'I-ness' is dissolved, one is just simple. He may or may not be humble!

4) When ego is covered up or is hidden, one masquerades as 'moral' or 'pious'. But when ego is ended, one is Sacred with the sanctity of holistic awareness --- neither moral nor immoral!

5) When "me-ness" is clandestine, one becomes 'polite'. But when "me-ness" melts away, one is perceptive --- neither polite nor aggressive; neither vulgar nor virtuous!


Jai 'No-mind'

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