Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 144 - A blissful blast in the being of a devotee Kriyaban.



17 May 2008


A communication from a French devotee working in England having a Sanskrit name is indeed worthwhile to share with others who would understand. And therefore it is put up herewith as a message.

It is unknown if this is related to the Kriya practice or not, but there is often spontaneous rising of energy form the middle of the body all the way to the head, which then automatically tips backward or sways around gently. A “swimming” feeling of bliss – like an intoxication– is then felt all over, inside out, and when this occurs, it is like an empty fullness (no other way to describe this) dans l'intemporel, that is, in no-time. On some occasions, the body has to lie down to let is pass. This rising of energy has also occurred when Prema was sitting in satsangh, listening to Shibenduji.

Since that point of no return Prema spoke about before, insights have been coming to this body all the time, but it is often difficult to explain THAT which is continuously happening in no-time, or to express IT.

What is written here is not an intellectual or poetic outpouring, nor is it an arrangement of well sounding phrases – these are genuine insights arising from nowhere.

It has occurred to this body that, just as a virtual focal point is created at some distance beyond a lens, when this lens is used to view an object, so the “I” is a virtual image created by the dichotomy in the brain. This virtual thinker – or virtual “I” - then projects its own dual world, full all images. But these images, which seem real to the senses, are nothing but a play of light in emptiness. In every moment, nothing is ever happening, and yet everything happens of its own accord! For this body, daily life is a succession of sequences – and like a movie, each scene changes into another one, endlessly, and with no motive. Life is felt as an unfolding into the Unknown, a silent tune with no becoming.

As this body has undertaken research into Magneto encephalography as part of a research project for a Degree in Physics, it has studied the basic morphology and functioning of the brain – although so much remains unknown! Recent research has shown that neurogenesis can happen throughout the life of a body, given certain conditions (mostly, learning new things throughout life according to these scientists). Perhaps the brain which is no longer in duality – i.e. where the Energy of Understanding burns the dross of the personality continuously  -  is able to create new synaptic connections, with new neuronal currents generated as a result, and hence such a being of a kriyaban is always in comprehension – consider this versus neurosis which affects so many brains ! Neurogenesis vs neurosis – Life and Death in daily living!

See, all the time – dans l'intemporel – it feels as if this body is silently incubating, and yet there is nothing to incubate!

Of course, in the communion of hearts, nothing really needs to be said, so let the loving gratitude from Prema's heart be received by Shibenduji again and again and again....



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