May 1, (Labor Day), 2008
This message has been written by a South African kriyaban in response to an Evangelical chain letter circulating in South Africa, where those who receive it are requested to further send to others. In essence, it cites incidences when several famous persons had made so called statements that are considered blasphemous to God or Jesus and these said persons suffered tragic untimely deaths. The readers are meant to assume that their deaths were as a result of the cynical attitude of the victims. The letter ends with an invocation, presumably for a non- Christian reader, to brain- wash the person to proclaim and accept Jesus as the only savior.
Dear Friend,
Thank you for spreading your mental pollution of fear in the name of Jesus and God. If I may, I would like to suggest that you go to the villages in some African countries and investigate. You will very easily be able to locate 8000 people within a few days (rather than finding 8 incidences in almost 80 years, as cited) who have never mocked at God or Jesus and yet they faced untimely death under the spell of poverty and disease, having lived in a very miserable condition – all due to the system of society which mind (with its fear and greed as basic ingredients) has created for exploitation of man by man. Human beings are the only species who kill and exploit their own species in millions under the banner of God and religion, nationalism and many other “isms” and Jesus does not come to their rescue and save them!
You cannot end your infatuation with God and Jesus because you cannot end your infatuation with your selfishness under the garb of “me-ness”. The insight that ends this infatuation is the real divinity which manifested in the body of Jesus and which can also manifest in all human beings. It is this insight that saves! It is the awakening of intelligence that saves! Demand for dependency on Jesus and God prevents the advent of divinity in human life.
If the life and intelligence in your body wakes up to the situation which mind and its stupidities have created, you may be available to the ecstasy of compassion and energy of comprehension that may restore your brain to health by reducing atrophies which religious promises and threats by priest-craft have imposed, generating misery, agitation and disturbance in your consciousness. Face your fear and be free from it, rather than helping priests to be in business by exploiting others’ fears, prejudices, paradoxes and perversions.
Religion, the mafia, is promoted by reward and punishment, by promises and threats, by greed and fear. But deep spiritual understanding emerges through exploration and examination of one’s inner consciousness, wherein only a fake duality exists. So please don’t escape from your greed and fear, but face it, without fighting or feeding under any pretext. To paint Jesus as a revengeful person who responds to hatred by hatred - -this is to be blasphemous. For God sake, keep Jesus away from your mental pollutions. Stop your nonsensical game of putting words in the mouth of dead people and using them to create panic and pain, horror and havoc in the name of Jesus and God.
Your Friend.