Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 142 - Shiksha, Deeksha, Bhiksha



April 29, 2008

Communication capacity of intense and deep Sanskrit words gets compromised when translated in other languages. Let us however share the understanding of the above words to the extent possible.

Shiksha:  Indicates accumulation of borrowed second-hand knowledge which may include information as also information-pollution. All this may have utility in the centrifugal dimension of performance wherein duality tangibly exists between subject and object.  It is like filling a bucket of water and carrying it round your neck all the time. It is languishing in the fragmentation of assertions and arrogance. It is entanglement with mental undertakings and “I’ness”.  Normally this word is translated as “education”. But education, despite its claim to the contrary, does not bring about a radical change in a human being. We see that an uneducated stupid, after education, becomes an educated stupid - the stupidity remains. An uneducated superstitious person becomes an educated superstitious person – the superstition continues. And so on.

Deeksha:  Implies freedom from knowledge, from the burden of the past, even though the same may be available from time to time, according to practical need for functioning adequately and appropriately in daily living. It is the bliss of wisdom awakening – not a bucket of water acquiring. Deeksha is lightening the fire of awareness and attention. It is the emergence of understanding of life and its intelligence. This word is conventionally translated as”initiation”. But initiation has come to mean influencing. Life is not interested in influencing another life. Life flowers uniquely in each being. It is the mind, separation from life that wants to influence and to get influenced. That is how priests, politicians, gurus, film stars, charlatans, media, business houses, religions and mafias thrive and make havoc among human beings. Deeksha is radical change to get rid of “I” – not reconstructing or re-formulating the “I” with new masks or images.

A stupid mind can deal with the messages merely as shiksha and to an intelligent human being, these can serve as Deeksha.  An old kriyaban friend, despite practice and helping in translation during deeksha, goes on changing his attitude towards the messages. He wrote once that he felt blessed whenever he received these messages.  Then on one occasion, he flew into rage and declared that the messages are just critics and polemics! Thereafter, one message blasted him and he kept quiet for a long time. Recently, he became sober again and gave a “certificate” that messages 139 and 140 are without critics and polemics. Never seeing and participating, he is only judging and evaluating. Thus that which could have been a deeksha, became just a shiksha.

Bhiksha:  This is donation, not demand. A person initiating another, lives on donation only. He does not seek or demand. He is taken care of by the love and understanding of the Initiates. Even the worthless shiksha has a price-tag, but deeksha from a satguru is priceless - it is beyond all judgment and evaluation. Bhiksha is also called Dakshina which is one of the thousand names of the un-nameable.

Jai Deeksha!   [The observation of silence by silence in silence]






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