Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 141 - Bliss of Timeless Action


Paris – Johannesburg flight,

24 April 2008


During a recent long drive on the highway in Spain, the host asked: ‘’ So many different techniques are being adopted in Kriya practice by various groups, each one claiming the authority to be the right. They publish  books and post  letters and ‘proofs’  in the internet in support of their claims even though all of them trace their roots in your great grand father  (Lahiri Mahasay) or to your father  (Satya Charan Lahiri). They remain engrossed in techniques and find fault with each other. They are quite conspiratorial and secretive in their so called ‘spiritual’ activities.  What are all these?

Shibendu:  These are the stupidities of petty minds caught up in the ugly separative psyche (‘‘I’’) everlastingly trying to become something in due course of time. But time is the enemy in the inner dimension of consciousness which prevents fusion of thinker and thought. The psychological entity, however subtle, is kept intact by smuggling time through the pursuits of becoming. Experiences manufactured from past patterns and pressures as conditioned reflexes, separate man from life’s timeless action of perception & insight which is the essence of Kriya. Remaining confined within the activities of the illusion ‘’I’’ under the banner of Kriya practice, is desecration and sacrilege of the holy Kriya Process. The death of the ‘’I’’ that Kriya brings about, is the immortality of the NEW.

In the technical world, you can compare machines and their installations. But Kriya Yoga is not a machine in which stupid minds are inserted as raw materials from one end and from the other end, the ‘enlightened ones’ are rolled out in the conveyor belt in due course of time. You can do pranayama and all the rest of it for the next ten thousand years, and you will be nowhere near perceiving what truth is, because you have not understood yourself at all, the way you think, the way you live. You are stuck up in your sorrow and depression, and yet you want to find enlightenment.  Kriya seems to fascinate people because they feel it is going to give them some power, some prestige, some possession. All such powers are like candle light when the brilliant sun of understanding (Swadhyay) is shining.  Swadhyay is summation of energy. Conforming & becoming is dissipation of energy. In the silence of Swadhyay, there is no frontier of recognition. In this silence, space of division utterly ceases. Thought is mechanical, but Kriya is not. The empty mind with fire of awareness cannot be purchased within the dimension of demand and supply of the spiritual market. It comes into being when thought is aware of its own activities ---- not the ‘thinker’ being aware of ‘his’ thoughts.




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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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