18 May 2008
Just as putting 0 (zero) after 1 (one) again and again, goes on increasing the value of 1, by leaps and bounds, upto Infinity ; similarly the unique human being reveals the veracity of the Infinite Intelligence which is Divinity, by zeroing or emptying the contents of the separative psyche called “I”.
That is why Universal Intelligence (Krishna) says in Bhagawat Gita (VIII/4) – Adhiyagnohamevaatradehe Dehabhritaamvara - “Lord of sacrifice is Myself, here in this body, O Arjuna!” Constant sacrifice of the psyche “I” and its divisions happens in a body wherein Intelligence (Divinity) shines! Unfortunately, no one wants to listen to a body wherein this process is happening, even though he is sacrificing everything and speaking recklessly despite all the hindrances generated by the habitual resistance from the listeners! Listening can light the fuel of fragmentation in the human consciousness and the fire of understanding can start burning and blasting all the stupidities of the mind and the ego. Then you (life) can see what not to do, because you (mind) can't see what to do! The total negation of your (mind's) road is the commencement of the other road which can not be put on your map. All the maps supplied by your priests have wrong roads. Discard them totally.
Life is never born, It never dies. With the birth of your body, a separation from life, an “I”, a “death” is born! Ichchaadwesasamutthena Dwandwamohena Bharata, Sarvabhutani Sanmoham Sarge Yanti Parantapa (Bhagawat Gita : VII/27). With the arising of demand and envy, with the illusion of the opposites, O Arjuna, all beings fall into delusion (separation from life) at birth. And with the death of your body, this “death”, this “I”, dies to be available to Life again! Re-birth is being re-born into life again – not the re-birth of the illusion “I” with its enormous collection of images, ideas, idiosyncrasies, tricks, traps, “truths”, seekings, sorrows, confusions, fears, greed, envy, depression and also with its desperate desire to give itself continuity because of the brain-washing from belief-systems supplied by tradition. With the awakening of Intelligence, how can you want all such mental pollutions to be re-born again? In fact, when you (life) wake up to the fictitious “you-ness” (separative mind); you (mind) die to be re-born as Life instantly! You need not wait for your physical death to get rid of the fantasy that the illusion “I” will be born again or will be saved by Jesus! This dying of “I” in order to be re-born in Intelligence is meditation. This is the real Art of Living – not the idiotic activities of a mafia under this banner. This meditation is Love; this is Brahma (Life). Tasman Sarvagatam Brahma Nityam Yagne Pratisthitam (Bhagawat Gita III/15). All-pervading Intelligence is eternally found in the continuous sacrifice of the “I”.
In this sacrifice, there is an extraordinary space in the consciousness, an extraordinary emptiness. This space is creation, is love, is total energy, is life, is the unknowable.
Jai Sacrifice