December 14, 2007
When the Guru first dictated Message 128, it was from Australia. He asked the disciple to write it down as a message. When the Guru came to India, the disciple had still not done it because there was no understanding in his body. The disciple requested the Guru to repeat the story and its teachings and wrote down everything as far as he could. He then prepared a draft and sent it to the Guru at Paris. There was still no understanding in the body. The Guru had to extensively re-write the message and finally it was sent out on December 9, 2007. At that time, there was still no understanding in the body of the disciple. The Guru told him on phone to write to him about the message, but the disciple had nothing in his body and hence could not write anything on the 9th.
The next day, unasked, unsought came the blast and the disciple wrote - and wrote in the ecstasy of the blast. The Guru called him from Paris and the disciple had just completed the writing. He eagerly, like a child telling his father, told the Guru, “Now the understanding has happened.”
The Guru heard what was written and asked the disciple to post it as “Epilogue to Message 128”
Here then is the sharing of that blast that did not take an instant to flash, but has taken several lines to verbalize! Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru.
Human intellect exists in one of two states; either under the control of mind or of intelligence. The particular state it exists in, decides whether the human being is in bondage or freedom.
Mind is a thing in the human being that is a product of influences and conditioning – and their reinforcements, through various experiences. ‘Psyche’ is this mind which is not life. Life is naturally intelligent (Chaitanay) just as fire is naturally hot. Mind is stupidity as it is the separation from life. Conditioning is the psychological registration of matters & events in the psyche to further condition it modifying the nature of the consciousness. The Bhagwat Gita refers to this process of conditioning as the Gunas which are the contents of the separative consciousness. Only the gunas operate, but a fictitious fragmentary projection from the field of gunas, called “I”, imagines that “he” is operating. This split in the consciousness is the sorrow of the mankind! This split sustains the gunas and does not allow human beings to get rid of them. The whole life is thus wasted in reformulating and remodeling the conditioned reflexes!
When intellect is under the control of Gunas, human behavior is guided by them. Reactions to various stimuli are just reflections of the gunas or conditionings.
Intelligence is Life. It is Pure Energy – the real God. It functions independently without any purpose or motive. Motives arise from human characteristics (gunas) such as fear and greed which also fabricate God/s.
By the virtue of seeing all this, the split in the consciousness vanishes instantly and the sacred intelligence begins to operate. In this state there are no two in the inner consciousness as a mutation, a fusion, has already taken place. This is the freedom from mind, from time. Intellect then functions in adequate responses, not in anticipations or reactions. This was Bhisma who had chanted “Vishnu Sahasranam” (thousand names of the un-nameable) to Yudhisthir.
Jai Guru