Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 128 - Happened somewhere in New Zealand while traveling in a caravan between Nov. 12 to 21, 2007




Released from Ghaziabad

 on Dec 9, 2007



This message happened during a dialogue between the Guru and a disciple called Kurubalan. The Guru’s memory responded to a stimulus and an incident that had happened many years ago was remembered again revealing a profound truth.


On being deeply religious.


In reply to a question, late Satyacharan Lahiri (father of Shibendu) once said: “Bhishma lived with the Kauravas all his life, but Kauravas were the epitome of Adharma (vice). He took their side loyally and fought on their behalf against the Pandavas, the symbol of virtue, who had the very Lord, Krishna, on their side. Bhisma was very much aware that Krishna was divinity in full without any division and fragmentation. He was therefore very sure that the Kauravas would be defeated and annihilated. And yet he remained with them to face death.  This is the energy of understanding, this is to be virtuous, this is to be profoundly religious. He was not seeking victory, success or power. He was in total choicelessness (Sakshi), in ''no-mind'' (Nimitta), not a Nirnayak (cunning calculation of mind). Therefore, when he was defeated by Arjuna and lying on a bed of arrows, dying, Krishna sent the Pandavas – including Yudhisthir, who was called Dharmaraj, the apostle of dharma, - to him (Bhisma) to learn dharma (virtue). Many people consider this as an anomaly because of their lack of understanding.”


Separative consciousness has concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, appropriate and inappropriate. Krishna is the Universal Intelligence Himself, seeing truth all the time without any judgment. In Bhishma, he saw supreme choicelessness which is deep religiousness. Knowing fully well that Krishna was the Universal Intelligence Himself, Bhishma still fought on the side of the Kauravas because that was where the circumstances had placed him. He knew that he was doomed to die still he stayed because he was Nimitta (Instrument of Divinity) and not Nirnayak (Instructor to Divinity). He was in his role without running away from it for selfish reasons. Whether by remaining on the side of the Kauravas, he would be victorious or be defeated, was not an issue. Whether it was the side of right or wrong was also not an issue. There was the supreme choicelessness. There was the total inaction of ''I-ness'' even when he fought with all his skill and vigour. Supremely motiveless, he had no thought of survival or doom unlike politicians who jump from party to party the instant they see the danger of loosing an election (At the time this talk issued from Satyacharan Mahashaya, the Indian political scene had been rocked by one of the earliest defections – that of a politician named Jagjivan Ram). Sataycharan said: “Bhisma was not Jagjivan Ram. He was indeed deeply religious and thus success or failure was never a consideration. Bishma's actions did not come from motives or choices, but from being in the state of an instrument – a Nimitta. Arjun was also in the instrument-state while he incapacitated his most respected grand father Bhisma”.


“Who then was more qualified to impart lessons in Dharma (righteousness) to the Pandavas than the great Bhishma?” - Satyacharan asked.


“And there is another aspect to Bhishma’s existence. His presence with the Kauravas was necessary even for the temporary survival of the evil clan. Evil cannot survive unless it is based on goodness. Falsehood cannot exist even temporarily without truth as a base.”


Even the fake gurus have their field days because they function under the umbrella of the Lahiri phenomenon and Babaji – which is indeed the truth. Without the foundation of the brilliant light of Intelligence that was the phenomenon named Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashaya, how could shoddy little personalities of pretensions and paradoxes maintain their mischiefs posing as gurus?


But, as in the case of the Kauravas, such commercially motivated gurus can last only until Intelligence shines again in human beings devastating the separative psyche called ''I''. Please Listen: There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche 'I', for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence. Knowledge from books and ideas cannot survive where there is emergence of knowing and insight.



Jai Bhishma

Jai Choicelessness


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