20 Feb. 2011.
Dhai Jyano Mor Sakol Bhaalobaasaa
Probhu, Tomaar Paaney, Tomaar Paaney, Tomaar Paaney,
Jai Jyano Mor Sakol Gabhir Aashaa
Probhu, Tomaar Kaaney, Tomaar Kaaney, Tomaar Kaaney.
Chitto Maumo Jakhon Jethaa Thaake,
Saaraa Jyano Dyai Se Taubo Daake,
Jauto Baandhon Saub Tutey Go Jyano,
Probhu, Tomaar Taaney, Tomaar Taaney, Tomaar Taaney.
Baahirer Ei Bhikkhaa Bhauraa Thaali,
Ebaar Jyano Nihshese Hoi Khaali,
Antaro Mor Gopaney Jai Bhore,
Probhu, Tomaar Daane, Tomaar Daane, Tomaar Daane.
Hey Bondhu Mor Hey Antarotaro,
E Jibone Jaa-kichu Sundauro,
Sakolee Aaj Beje Uthuk Surey,
Probhu, Tomaar Gaane, Tomaar Gaane, Tomaar Gaane.
In spite of one’s pre-occupation with the mundane activities of the “I”, let one remain directed towards one’s Real Nature of Life and Love.
May one’s deeper aspiration, despite all the dirty ambitions, reach a Revelation-Unknowable!
In spite of all the stupid movement of the vain psyche, may one be able to respond when there comes a call from the ‘Otherness’ and let the banal bondage of this-ness get shattered by the pull from ‘That-ness’ !
In spite of the framework of borrowed ideas and sentimental investments of the centrifugal; let there be the instant inner freedom for being filled, quietly and silently, by the Grace Immeasurable!
May the beauty and bliss of the divine centripetal melody, O the darling and the dearest Friend in the heart, reveal itself as the Song of the Supreme!
Is it possible to be free of all opinions, of all borrowed ideas and thus be innocent and uncorrupted? Such an awareness does not seek. There is no awakening in awareness so long as the image persists that one is a ‘seeker’. There is then a stillness without any want, without a movement whatsoever. This is not an achievement, not a thing to be bought in the market ‘spiritual’. It comes into being only when one is in Swadhyay, that is, when one understands the ways of the ‘me’ --- not through the directions from others --- the ‘me’ which is the result of various impacts, impressions, memories, conflicts, conditionings, conventions, cultural inputs, vanities, vested interests, fears, guilt and so on. It is unfortunate that human endeavour has gone into the pursuit of everlastingly becoming something other than his inherent natural state of ‘no-I’.
Jai Tagore Song