Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 204 - Resonance from a blissful Tagore Blast


 17 Feb. 2011

Mahaaraaj, Eki Saajey Eley Hridayo Pooro Maajhey!

Charonotaule Koti Shoshi Suryo Maurey Laajey.

Gaurbo Saubo Tutia, Murchhi Paurey Lutia;

Saukolo Maumo Deho Mono Veena Saumo Baajey.

Eki Pulako Bedona Bohichhey Modhu – baaye,

Kaanone Jauto Pushpo Chhilo Mililo Taubo Paaye,

Pauloko Naahi Nayone, Heri Naa Kichhu Bhuboney;

Niraukhi Shudhu Antare Sundauro Biraaje.


King of kings in dazzling decoration along with mysterious Magnanimity has suddenly and devastatingly dashed into the innermost hollowness of the Heart! Under His Fabulous Feet millions of moons and suns are floating in utter humility!

Pride-pollution of the body-mind has perished, vicious vanity has been vanquished, the structure of the subjective psyche is vigorously vibrating in tune with the Song of the Wonder of wonders to vanish into the Oblivion, Omniscience, Omnipresence!

A strange, sweet, shivering “pain” is circulating in the limbs! And the flowers of the planet have taken refuge under those Fantastic Feet!

Eye-lids have stopped blinking, division in vision has been dissolved, insight inside is in the benediction of a Beauty Unlimited!

Jai, Jai, Jai Tagore – phenomenon!


Perceptions :

1)    Confront the evil of ‘Spiritual’ concepts and conclusions leading to confusions, habits, hang-ups, assumptions, arrogance and aggression. All this is mind and its delusory division masquerading as ‘I’. Mind is material process, absolutely mundane. Whatever happens within its field has nothing to do with THAT which is non-material, non-mental, non-“I”. The body-psyche and all its holdings with many modifications and fanciful baloneys such as ‘spiritual’, ‘divine’, ‘religious’, ‘heavenly’, ‘sins and saviours’, ‘Word’, aspirations for ‘mosksha’, ‘mukti’, ‘nirvaana’ ---  all belong to matter without any Sanctity whatsoever !


Ichchha Dwesha Sukham Dukkham

Sanghaataschetanaa Dhritih,

Etat Kshetram Samaasena

Savikaaram Udaahritam!

(Bhagawat Gita XIII/7)


2)    Booming productivity through technical achievement and money multiplicity by banking advancement are always promising a happy future, but never providing it! Eighty percent of humanity is suffering, under the brutal Ideals of ‘capitalism’ and ‘communism’, without having the basic needs of food, clothes and shelter. Even under the ‘black governments’ in charge, the vast majority of the blacks in Africa are in precarious conditions. Only a handful of them have seen better living. Of course, a very small microscopic minority among the blacks have become fabulously rich!


3)    Despite gains in education, religious revivals and the so-called ‘self-development techniques’ of the spiritual and psychological market, there is the on-going escalation of war, massacre, competition, conflicts, envy and territoriality. All the apparent progress of the illusion called ‘self’ is not the progress towards the freedom from the treadmill of the self-centered activities of the shallow and silly thing projected as ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I’ and ‘you’, ‘you’, ‘you’. Knowing one’s “I-ness” as  it is  and not as it  should be, through diligent  ‘Swa-Adhyayan’  and  ‘ Adhyayan-Aatma’  is the way to the absolute and unconditional freedom from the false fragmentation “I” in which the humanity has unwittingly run into, because of  the brain-washing which projects this illusion called ‘self’ as ‘soul’.


Tauttwagyaanaartha Darshanam,

Etaj Gyaanamiti Proktam

Agyaanam Yadatonyathaa.

(Bhagawat Gita XIII/12)


Jai Perception



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