Paris-Johannesbourg flight,
28 Feb. 2011
Kyano Baani Taubo Naahi Suni, Naatho Hey?
Aundho Jaune Nauyono Diye Andhokare Feliley,
Birauhe Taubo Kaate Dino-raato Hey.
Swapono Saumo Milaabe Jodi Kyano Go Diley Chetaunaa,
Chokitey Sudhu Dyakha Diye, Chirau Mauromo Bedaunaa;
Aaponaa Paaney Chaahi Sudhu Nauyono Jaulo Paat Hey.
Pauroshey Taubo Jibauno Naubo Sauhosa Jodi Jaagilo,
Kyano Jibauno Bifaulo Kauro -- Maurono Shauro Ghaato Hey.
Ahonkaro Churno Kauro, Premey Mono Purno Kauro,
Hridauyo Mono Hauron Kori Raakho Taubo Saatho Hey.
Life connected in the live-body languishes in the divisive mechanism or dreams of the mind in spite of the occasional flashes of the Awareness Holistic of Life! Alive sensory perceptive organs remain lost in the stupid sensuality of the subjective & separative psyche of 'I-ness'! Profound wisdom is thus not heard in the mess of the wicked mind! One remains entrapped in the darkness of the mental activity despite the luminosity of Life! Tears fill the eyes at the plight of the illusion 'I' in its pursuits and paradoxes. And the voice of veracity is not heard in the vulgarity of vanity! An intense 'touch' brings about a radical transformation for a while, but then 'I' still continues its mischief of ego-promotion under different banners! Let there be a death-blow to this separative mind for the restoration of the living quality of Life. May the pride and prejudice be perished revealing Love and Life. May all subtle maneuvers and mania of the 'I-ness' be dissolved in the Divinity of Life.
1) Meditation is dangerous! It destroys everything --- not even a whisper of anticipation or apprehension is left! And then there is love and emptiness unfathomable! Can there be any moronic method to 'arrive' at it? Meditation caught up in a method, is the stupid mechanism of the ego, which cripples the ecstasy of meditative energy.
2) Is it possible to have the sense of humility without the cultivation of humility? Is it possible to be available to goodness without trying to be good?
3)"Self-improvement" is progress in sorrow!
4) Religion happens in a human being when borrowed conditioning, concept, conclusions, conventions and cultural inputs are completely consumed in the fire of total comprehension and compassion.
5) A Satguru may be awake, but if you depend on him, you are asleep! Awareness free from inward division and dependence may come upon that which is Immeasurable!
6) When the 'I' ceases to think in terms of its own continuity, then the Unknowable comes into Being. Stop thinking about "life after death"! Life never does that, because Life is never born, Life never dies! It is all pervading Eternity. It is the incorrigible tendency of the illusion 'I' to indulge in the pursuit of becoming - and thus to remain everlastingly engaged in deliberate seeking one thing or the other - that makes the 'I' feel that it is indeed not an illusion, but very real!
7) Be an outsider --- not a part of this society which breeds insanity of violence, of wars, of wealth, of power, of position, of "success", of destruction, of misery!
Jai Immensity