Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages



Melbourne – Ghaziabad

November 23, 2007


The Guru has been traveling in Australia and New Zealand and has just completed a 10 day caravan journey from Christchurch in South island of New Zealand to Auckland in the North Island. During a long and blasting phone conversation with the disciple, he described the wonders of the beautiful country that unfolded during the journey. The mountains, the valleys, the ocean and the huge lakes, the glaciers, the pastures with sheep and cows grazing – so many cows that the Guru said “Krishna perhaps lived here” – were all described with the childlike wonderment of a body that is eternally free. The body, for which the journey was physically torturous, was in such harmony with Life that the physical pain and discomfort were completely insignificant; a living example of the Stitapragnya described by the Universal Intelligence, Krishna, in the Bhagwat Gita.


And there was wonderful satsangh happening all the time with blasts repeatedly exploding in the bodies of the disciple and the Guru alike simultaneously and yet beyond the dimension of chronological time.


When this was seen, the Guru requested that the blast should be put in the form of a message by the disciple and below is the verbal expression of that which cannot be verbalized.


Submitted in reverence at the feet of the Guru…..


Let us ponder on this:


Life is Universal existence in its unique expression as matter. It is full of diversity and divinity. In the human body, the mind – which is separation from life – is merely an undertaking, an entanglement, in a network of conditioned experiences. It is fragmented in the darkness of duality and desecration of divinity.


Life is neither interested in influencing others, nor in being influenced by others. Life exists in the Energy of Understanding. Being influenced or influencing is an activity of the mind, and mind is not Life. Mind is vulgarity and vice. Life is virtue and vitality. “I”, as mind, is interested in influencing and “you”, as mind, is interested in getting influenced because of desires, either for something or against something. That is why we become victims of politicians, priests and false gurus.


Perhaps there is inspiration in a body that is in Surrender, but no question of influencing or being influenced.


Inspiring and being inspired both happen. Influencing and being influenced are both done. Inspiration is the result of the virtuous meditative state emanating from Freedom and the Guru Energy. Influencing or being influenced is the result of vulgar motives emanating from Fear and Greed.


Influencing and being influenced as a result of the tendency of the mind to enslave Life actually result in a waste of the phenomenon of living. Indeed, mind is Death. No-mind is Life.


Life is diverse and divine, not divided. It is whole. Each body is the whole humanity. If this is understood where then is the question of influencing or being influenced? When the body is in unitary harmony with Life; i.e., when there is no separation, no division, no dichotomy; who will influence and who will be influenced?


Caught up in the games of the mind, this simple truth is not understood because there is no Listening, no Seeing; only comparing, contrasting and concluding.


“Listening” is doing nothing that interferes with the Energy of Understanding. It is doing nothing that interferes with the Seeing and Sharing. There is no action in listening. For listening to happen one has to be in supreme non-action. From the Guru’s body this recently came: “The last three letters of the word “Listening” are “I – N – G” and it is telling you that “I” is Not Good to Listen”.


The Sat Guru (Right Teacher) in the dimension of Life will only share understanding; only see the truth together with a Sat Shishya (Right Student) who is also available to Life and not merely to the mind. Sat Gurus never influence and Sat Shishyas are never influenced.




Jai Guru

Jai Life

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