Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 091 - Time and Freedom from Time


9th May 2006 


Chronological or measured time is factual and technical. Biological or cyclical time is factual and natural. But time based on psychological registration and accumulation projects reaction and assertion generating pursuits and pretensions. This is indulging in seeking ‘what should be’ without seeing ‘what is’. This psychological time is the basic malady of the divisive embodied consciousness of human beings. 

This embodied consciousness is comprised of fragmentations such as cravings for security, fear of insecurity and the concomitant psychological dependencies on belief systems generating emotions and sentiments, conflict, jealousy and so on. Embodied consciousness becomes entangled by promoting a super-fragmentation designated as ‘I’ and imagining it to be above the basic field of the other fragmentations. This illusory, seperative ‘I’ is given authority and agency to interfere with the basic fragmentations, thereby fortifying itself and multiplying divisions in the field of consciousness, always seeking to give itself continuity and permanency. This divisiveness brings about disagreement and agreement, conflict and compromise. This is what keeps us engaged in ideas, concepts, conclusions and judgements about truth. This duality denies the body, the blood cells and bone-marrow the opportunity to hit the divinity of truth directly by and for itself. It keeps us amused in the borrowed and second-hand ideas of the separative consciousness.

This is the genesis of the third aspect of time: psychological time. Chronological is the first, biological the second. For most people, to understand these three aspects of time is enough. Freedom from psychological time is the greatest enlightenment. There is no other enlightenment! With freedom from psychological time, a new relationship with biological and chronological time emerges. Even if the body is, say, seventy years old, it may have the energy of a young man aged twenty. And chronological time never disturbs the energy of equanimity in the body

The ancient sages of India saw seven aspects of time in their wakeful non-divisive awareness:

1. Chronological or linear time (Vijnana Kala): the measurement of time.

2. Biological or cyclical time (Pra-laya Kala): Pra i.e. Prathama (beginning); laya i.e. Vilaya (ending). The beginning and ending of all that is manifest.

3. Psychological time (Sa-Kala): Sa i.e. Sahit Kala. Entanglement, positive or negative, with time.

4. Freedom from psychological time (Man-tra): ‘Man’ (mind) – tra (traan - transcendence). Mind is psychological time.

5. The subtle perceiver of freedom (Linga- matra or Mantreswara), without the gross experiencer (ego).

6. Experience-less-ness is complete (Alinga or Mantra – Maheswara): Alinga – no trace of any form. Even the subtle perceiver is dissolved.

7. Void – vast emptiness – Virtue of eternity, bliss and benediction (Shiva – Paramata). This is not at all available for vulgarisation through ‘experience’ and verbalisation.


Muladhar is the ground. This is the first aspect of time mentioned above

Swadhisthan is the second, the seat of the procreation instinct – the biological process

Manipur is the third, the seat of mind, which is driven by fear and greed

Anahata is the fourth, the seat of life, the heart, no-mind

Visuddha is the fifth, the seat of wisdom

Ajna is the sixth, the seat of total silence

Sahasrar is the seventh aspect of time.

Blasting into the seventh (void) is kundalini.

There can be no experience of kundalini.

Be aware of the charlatans and their antics.


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