Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 090 - A strange dialogue between two Priests!


Majorca Island (Spain)

5 April 2006


The body of Shibendu is passing through much pain due to Sytica phenomenon and yet conferences, initiation and review programmes are continuing unabated everywhere for long hours (due to translation in these non-English speaking countries) without any let or hindrance. Perhaps the cognitive apparatus of the body gets temporarily disconnected during the teaching sessions whereby sensory perceptions (life) with its energy of understanding takes over from the entanglements of mental undertakings.

In this beautiful island, Shibendu is getting some rest and a lot of care from the hosts before the actual programme begins. This gave an opportunity to have some spontaneous ‘Satsangs’ (human beings sharing some wisdom, not chanting devotional music) with his hosts.

During one such ‘Satsang’, Shibendu was reminded today of a strange dialogue that happened about ten years ago at Merano (not Milano) in Bulzano district of Italy, in response to a question from the hosts. Some Italian devotes from Merano who were present, perhaps could not take the dialogue and, therefore, later defected and parted from Shibendu. But one of them still continues with a lot of energy of devotion (not divisions of the mind with all its confusions) and comprehension. He, in fact, took over later as Co-ordinator for the whole of Europe and maintains this web-site despite his extremely busy schedules due to his strenuous job (with a task-master boss) and responsibility towards a beautiful family with a nice wife and three sons as also a very old mother to take care of! Shibendu has no organization.

Some one had arranged for this interview at Merano with a hard-boiled catholic priest who came along with another priest of the same church to be supported in his bullying tactics which was obviously pre-planned. Shibendu (by birth an Indian priest with a Brahmin body) had this dialogue with another priest (with Italian and catholic body). He hardly talked about this dialogue during the last almost ten years as he is not interested in any limelight. However, it is now felt that the Kriya Yoga devotees may like to know about this dialogue. It is good that the memory apparatus in the body of Shibendu serves him well, without creating any mental occupation, opinion and obsession. Thus he is able to recapitulate briefly this dialogue. Participants in the dialogue are referred to as ‘Varanasi Priest’ (V.P.)* and ‘Local Priest’ (L.P.) to avoid personalities (because personality is a good name for ego).

* as Shibendu comes from Varanasi  in India

L.P.     (pointing towards V.P. by his forefinger): Are you a Hindu?

V.P.:   Yes, by birth.

L.P.:    (with a raised voice): You will go to hell! (his belief-system being that non-Christians normally go to hell!)

V.P.    (with a smile): I am already in the hell! I am from India which is heaven despite its poverty and the concomitant misery. But I now feel that I am in hell due to the ghastly belief-system which I am facing at the moment in spite of all the affluence and the style of living in this country. Why do you convert Holy Jesus into a mafia leader as the saviour of church-going Christians only, and not as the saviour of all the humans?

L.P.     (visibly embarrassed): If this country Italy is hell for you, then why do you come here?

V.P.:   Because I am invited by Italian Kriya-Yogis, initiated by me, who have understood that Jesus was an Oriental Yogi and not an occidental phoney baloney!

‘Cross’ is a symbol of Yoga. The vertical line represents the “I” and the horizontal one represents its cancellation! This is the essence of Yoga, which is freedom from fragmentation that has happened in the human body-based conscious generating duality and resulting in conflicts at every level of human affairs –- individual, family, society, national and international. Even “I” and “God” (the ultimate duality) is not necessary as then “God” becomes yet another avenue for the promotion and pursuits of this illusion called “I”, the ultimate fragmentation with its ultimate gratification, greed, guilt and gullibility under the banner of “God”. This “God” is the worst fancy & fragmentation of the “I” resulting in the massacres in the name of “God”, theological pretensions and hypocrisies. Perhaps more human blood and animal blood has been shed and is still being shed in the name of God than in any other name! That is why Holy Jesus said – “I and ‘Father’ are one!” There are no ‘two’! This is the ancient human perception recorded in ‘Adwaita Vedanta’ ! “God” can not be crucified and kept hanging for over two thousand years! Therefore, Jesus is kept hanging everywhere; in churches, in drawing rooms, in cars, in human chests to make “I” available to self-piety, ‘sin’, psychological dependency on belief-systems and their promises & threats, rewards and punishments (which represent greed and fear in human separative consciousness). Freedom from the separation, the “I”, is the greatest enlightenment. In every religion, brain-washing is going on through all kinds of symbols and stories. Nobody knows anything about the ‘other’ world even though borrowed knowledge from ‘holy’ books, ‘holy’ men and ‘pious’ believers makes the whole racket of “religion” and its conspiratorial activities continue unabated! Come to my temple in Varanasi (India) and you will find a big picture of Jesus, on the top line, as a shinning and robust Yogi, not that hanging picture. The Indian symbol of divinity is ‘Krishna’, a joyful existence, not a parody of suffering, although Shibendu knows that suffering is the gateway to love, compassion and to the most ‘Sacred’! In Kriya Yoga, we recommend reading the book of “I” and its self-centred activities rather than reading “holy” books of the spiritual market!

L.P.     (with indeed a good brain): I take your leave. Chiao. Let us hug and embrace each other.

Jai Satya Charan

who biologically fathered Shibendu as also spiritually initiated him in Kriya Yoga, which is the essence of Saankhya-Yoga-Vedanta.

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