February 10, 2006
He is a Yoga phenomenon of integration (not ideas), of truth (not theology), of bliss (not belief-systems), of Sun of Goodness (not ''Son of God''), of Adwaita-awareness (not obscurity of opposites), of insight of veracity (not interpretation of virginity).
1. Cross : Symbol of Yoga. Horizontal small line represents wiping out of ''I'', the large vertical line symbolizes the ''I''. This ''I'', projected up from the basic field of fragmented contents of the human consciousness, is yet another fragment of the same field. But an authority is invested to this particular fragment, because of conditioning, for interfering with the other fragments imagining that this ''I'' is an 'individual', 'independent' and outside the field. This is the beginning of illusions and conflicts at all level of human affairs. Living quality of life is then wasted in retaining and re-inforcing this ''I & non-I'' separation in the consciousness. Comprehension of this heavy and age-old conditioning is the beginning of freedom from conflict. This is the basic understanding of Yoga which is not the marketed physical fitness programmes through franchise or otherwise. Thus, Cross is the compassion of Yoga-harmony that emerges through the negation of the illusion which is so popular as ''I''.
2. Fish : The first symbol of Christianity. Message of Yoga is also illustrated by a long symbolic fish story. This is narrated by Shibendu in Retreats.
3. Jesus points out that ''eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth (old testament)'' will make whole humanity blind and toothless !
No reaction nor revenge, but adequate response, is also the message of Yoga.
4. 'Let the dead bury the dead' – an utterance from Jesus.
Mind is the enemy of life. It is the death of all charms of life, bringing about all vain and vulgar pursuits giving rise to ambition (greed), anxiety (fear), assumptions (dependencies) and anomalies (conflicts). Waking up from the darkness and the dreams of mind is to end (bury) its deadly dimension. This is indeed the perception of Yoga ----- freedom of life (body) from the stranglehold of mind (separative consciousness).
5. ''That you have, will save you ; if you bring it forth from yourself''. ----- Jesus : This is again the message of Yoga. It is a journey from centrifugal ideas to centrepetal insight. Outside ''Saviour'' is the theological thuggery of the priest-craft exploiting one of the basic contents of human consciousness ----- psychological dependency.
6. ''Eat my flesh and drink my blood''. ----- Jesus .
Truth must flash in the flesh of the body. It must blossom in the blood. It must flower in each human being. This is also the Yoga-message. That is why Jesus says : '' Be me, do not follow me ! Re-discover truth by and for yourself''. Indeed Jesus was not Christian, his ''followers'' are ! These followers chant ''Love thy neighbour'' and go on killing all over the planet ! And then they attend the ''Holy Mass'' rituals of eating bread and wine in churches spreading self-pity, guilt and gullibility.
7. ''Judge ye not''. ----- Jesus .
This is a clarion call to the wisdom of seeing 'what is', not to waste energy in seeking 'what should be'. Not to judge, not to form image about anybody, not to be driven by any motive, not to be occupied by opinions and obsessions ----- all this is also the Yogic state of complete awareness.
8. Jesus was in Yoga-Pranayamic breathless state on the Cross, not dead. Thus blood oozed out of His body when an arrow was pierced. Blood does not come out of a dead body.
9. ''If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light''. ----- Mathiew 6:22.
This is the Kutastha phenomenon of Yoga. Two eyes are mind. The third eye is ''no-mind'' i.e. Life. Life is light, mind is darkness.
10. ''Let the one who has not committed a sin, throw the first stone''. ----- Jesus.
This is the most profound invitation to Swadhyay phenomenon of Yoga.
Holy Jesus was indeed an oriental event, not much understood in the occidental euphemism.
He was a Yogi, not an 'Yes-man' of the Pope who may one day declare Him as 'heretic' !