Monday, 22 May 2006
In a teaching session of Kriya Yoga at Plobodiv (Bulgaria) in the last week of February 2006 some spontaneous utterances happened which deeply touched the kriyabans of Bulgaria. They suggested that these should come as a message on the website. As everything comes from a total emptiness, it was not possible to write a message until the script of the Satsang was made from the recordings and sent to the speaker. Now the body is suffering with grueling Sciatica pain and thus there is some rest and therefore this message is being presented by the Russian kriyabans for placing on the website, after editing the script received from Bulgaria.
Just by chance Shibendu was watching a glamorous CNN advertisement on TV. It was showing a big sky-high glittering building of the most posh area of New York. And a richly dressed man came out in style from a most fabulous car. He went through a luxurious elevator to reach his magnificent office and boardroom. He sat in the chair of the boss and many people came and saluted and he gave instructions and the subordinates started running in frenzy with fear because those instructions must be carried out immediately with utmost efficiency as otherwise they will be fired from the job. And then the boss tells with a big smile: “My son was a vice chairman, no.2 in my company, but I fired him because I found him inefficient. I told him:
‘Get out of this job, you’re fired’.” And he bragged and boasted: “See, I told this to my own son.” Then the advertisement shows that he is flying all over the world in very special airplanes which have only luxurious first class, no other class like business or economy. He is shown sleeping in great style, in magnificent decorations and flying all over the world. In every country he is received by billionaires and top newspaper editors who are welcoming him with greetings: “We know you’re biggest of the big, you’re worth hundred billion dollars! Oh, you’re so great.” And after all this, there is a big caption at the end of the advertisement: “Taste the sweet smell of success!”
And a strange thing happened in the body of Shibendu. Suddenly he was reminded of a dog in a small lane in Varanasi (India). Varanasi lanes are full of many kinds of shits, scattered all over, including human shits as there are shelter-less people too without any toilet facilities. And the dog was smelling and examining various shits and then it started eating perhaps the most tasty shit with a lot of joy. Now the basic sensory perception of smelling in the dog’s body classified the stinking smell of shit as a very sweet smell. And because of this classification the dog started tasting the ‘sweet’ smell of the shit! Whereas the sensory perception in the body of the billionaire classified all that was available to him as sweet smell of success and therefore he was tasting the sweet smell of success with all his fantastic gratification. In the dimension of emptiness which is total awareness, it was not possible to make a division between tasting the smell of the shit by the dog and tasting the smell of success by the billionaire.
But the one is contemptuously called d-o-g and the other is worshipped as the opposite -- g-o-d because a man with the power of money is the Secret power of God which the priest-craft of every religion speaks about!
Now this dog in a small lane in Varanasi will not destroy the planet, but this CNN god is likely to do so because of his terrible ambition and greed which is worshipped as ‘success’. In fact these are the people who manipulate with their secret and sinister designs to put up Presidents and Prime Ministers in each country so that their pursuits of ‘success’ can continue unabated. And this man also goes to the church and prays to God, perhaps because God is his ultimate greed. And his ‘God’ will also help him to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust, because such ‘God’ unfortunately belongs to such a man only. God as Life will save the planet and god as mind will destroy it. Thank the God which manifests as dog, but curse the god who manufactures greed. So, invoke God of freedom from mind and condemn the god of fragmentations of the mind.
Now this man worth hundred billion dollars is keeping 90% of humanity in the grinding misery of poverty and god of the mind, of the society as also of the church that mind has created, is helping this man in tasting ‘the sweet smell of success’. And subtle perception of the Holiness of the Sacred, the un-nameable and immeasurable, is languishing in the lurch. Such a man claims that he is interested in eradication of poverty, but actually he is interested in eradication of the poor people! And the theological, social, economical, political and all other systems devised by the greedy mind and the ghastly ego are helping him to mercilessly do this job of annihilating ordinary men by creating conflicts at every level of human affairs.
No President, Prime Minister, Pope, paramahamsa, rabbi, mullah, guru, giri will listen to the profound teaching in the dimension of life and intelligence (and not in the dimension of lure and its ‘intellect’). They are out to destroy this planet by their borrowed ideas and concepts of mind-pretensions and ego-perversions. Only the simple and ordinary people like you, Kriyabans, will perhaps listen.
So for God’s Sake, Listen