April 14, 2007
The holy river Ganga begins the journey from north in Himalayas and ends in the Indian Ocean down south. The holy pilgrim-city Varanasi is situated on the bank of that portion of the flow of Ganga where it has taken a u-turn and flows towards its source – the Himalayas in the north. This is an invitation to the science of inner understanding wherein ''I'' is an illusion. People caught up in the illusion do not understand. Some of them come again and again to take dip in this holy river, some come once in a blue moon and never return, some come occasionally from time to time according to their selfish convenience. But no one understands the significance of inward journey and of looking at the aggregate of the psychological registrations which comprise of the illusion called ''I''.
Many people come to Shibendu only to abuse him. Some gets shocked as no soothing word to sleep in security is found and thus they never come back again. Some still keep coming back hoping against hope that they may be benefited someday. But those who get a flash of genuine understanding without any stink from the separative process of human consciousness, only they remain steadfast in sharing this energy of understanding with Shibendu year in and year out. This group, though very small, is still large enough and is responsible for Shibendu's non-stop world-wide travels despite severe impediments like excessive sciatica pain, surgical operations, need for rest and recovery, other treatments and so on. And thus the fire of seeing ''what is'' is spreading and burning many garbage of seeking ''what should be''.
There are also incorrigible stupid brains that too keep coming back. Knowing them very well, Shibendu keeps pinching them from time to time to expose the subtle and deeply camouflaged confusion which blocks comprehension and freedom from the bondage of self-image. But then the cat comes out of the bag. They start screaming in madness: ''Shibendu is full of criticism and polemics in the name of truth which injure many people and therefore they don't come again.'' Let them not come again and go to hell in their hypocrisy, humbug and hoax. Shibendu is not a politician hankering after a support from a large number. He is not doing any propaganda on behalf of any body to convince anything to anyone. Shibendu has no point of view and so there is no question of accepting or rejecting other point of view. Let stupidity enjoy good and bad ideas about anything including ideas about Shibendu, yoga, kriyas and the teachings.
This message is in response to a letter from a longtime devotee of France which has been received just now, after more than a month, as Shibendu was traveling in Spain shocking people and blasting them. Thank God, they are sharp and sensitive in life (not stupid and sentimental in mind); they requested for a two-month tour of Spain next year – not just one month's as happened this year.
It is high time for this old friend of Shibendu to stop his connections with the teachings. Let him remain totally amused in his mental formations and formulations. Let him enjoy re-constructing the illusion called ''I'' with the help of endless ideas. Many people have left Shibendu; let him add one more to their number. Sooner, the better. Love from Shibendu's body is also the fire (rudra) of Shiva (no-mind). Mind must run away from fire, as quickly as possible, to fortify its fragmentations, otherwise it would be reduced to ashes which is the most favourite cosmetic of Shiva.