March 5, 2007
Rabindra Nath Tagore, a sage-poet of Bengal, wrote over six thousand intense songs; but at the last stage of his life, he lamented that he was unable to write that song which was often vibrating vigorously in his being!
Fictitious fragmentation between the observer and the observed, the thinker and the thought, the controller and the controlled, the ''I'' and its information and psychological choices, always twists and turns the communications occuring in the limited area of language.
Mahatma Gandhi called his autobiography as ''experiments with truth'' not ''experience of truth'' as usually claimed by so-called “religious” and “spiritual” teachers. Gandhi's wisdom is of great significance. A hard-hitting truth devastates the experience structure of psychological residues and sediments, demolishes the dichotomy between the experiencer and experienced and evaporates bondages of experience.
Holy scriptures have become the breeding ground for belief-systems, bigotry and battles; because the language that is so useful in the exterior dualistic world, is totally useless in generating genuine understanding in the inner being. Interpreters of scriptures start playing havoc with their hoax, humbug and hypocrisy.
Borrowed knowledge in the technical world can be transmitted from teacher to students through the language, formulating concepts and ideas without much difficulty. But how the knowing, the mutation in the brain-cells, the fusion of fragmentations in the consciousness, the fire of understanding can be transmitted? Although teacher may talk hours after hours, day in and day out, in order to share the joy of understanding with all love and eagerness, but he is still using the language of duality giving rise to ideas instead of insight, to concepts and conclusions instead of comprehension, to formulation of knowledge instead of freedom from the known. Is there any remedy?
Yes, there is! “Pranipaatena, Pariprashnena, Sevayaa (Bhagawat Gita IV/34)”! By bowing down, by questioning intelligently, by repeatedly listening and whole-hearted caring. That is how a disciple may receive the radical change from the teacher through the process of induction as happens in an electromagnetic field. This profound ancient suggestion from Universal Intelligence (Krishna) has been much misused by ''Gurus'' of the spiritual market who exploit the confused disciples through subservience and run their “ashrams” like concentration camps.
“I” that sits in the control room of our brain, is an illusion. Understanding this, offers a sounder basis for morality than the imposed and borrowed concept of “soul” and “God”. For God's sake, please comprehend the vast common human consciousness. There is no separate “I” anywhere, except as a reference-point for practical reasons. This will enable us to recognize the basic needs and interests of all human beings without being selfish. This selflessness has to be the core of morality --- not the moral warrants issued by priests and politicians under the banner of God which is their ultimate greed, religion which is mafia and nationalism which is tribalism. The doctrine of a ''life-to come'' has devalued the life on this beautiful earth and made humans available to all kinds of perversions and paranoia. Every moment of consciousness is a precious gift. Live it in profound divisionlessness and not in pointless disputes.
Denial of social, religious, industrial and business morality does not come from the cunning intellect and it’s thought. It is an actual slipping out of the pattern of that morality which is immoral. Going beyond this pattern is not an act of thought through its deceptive language, but an act of Intelligence by Life.
True religious life has no dependency on any belief-system as it has no tomorrow, no expectation. Expectation destroys the energy of understanding. “I-ness” must naturally and effortlessly die. Real religious life and its intelligence begin in this death alone!
Your god is false, as it is merely your fear to face the actuality of “I”!
Your god is a lie, as it keeps you languishing in the loneliness of “I”!
Your god is spurious, as it supports the self-sustaining separation in your consciousness as “I”!
Your meditation is merely battling with thoughts, trying to shape them by a series of other thoughts!
Can you wake up to all these facts without any 'intellectual' formulation by language?
JAI DAKSHINAMURTI who could teach without verbalisation.