Dec 10, 2006
It was nice to have a delightful dialogue, over the telephone, despite the current difficult situation in your personal family life and inspite of the enormous distance and difference in time between Seattle (USA) and Paris (France). How beautifully an explosion of joy and laughter occurred in your body when Shibendu said:
For everything under the Sun, there is a remedy or none!
Every phenomenon in the manifest dimension of existence is impermanent. It emerges, endures for a while and ultimately ends. Even stars are born in the cosmos, exist for millions of years, but at last die in the ''black hole''. Endurance in between is of different duration on each occasion.
Can you meditate on impermanency, without running into duality between the observer and the observed? You will then discover that there is nothing personal anywhere. In fact, in the extraordinary depth of this holistic meditation, the energy of veracity is so enormous that even ''I'' or ''me'' as a separate emotional & sensual device of attachment or aversion vanishes altogether!
And then one is suddenly exposed to an all-pervading Intelligence (Chaitanya) which is perhaps the ground on which the everlasting play (Leela) of creation, conservation and conclusion goes on! But the Intelligence itself remains unmanifest and unknowable! Why?
Everything that has a beginning and an end, that is limited and impermanent, is manifest and knowable. Therefore, that which has no beginning & and no end, that which is never born & and never dies, that which is unlimited & timeless, that which is Life and Intelligence, must remain unmanifest and unknowable. This truth is God! God, however, is not truth, it is only a false fabrication and formulation of an imbecile myth called mind whose constituents are greed, gullibility and guilt; fear, fantasy and frustration; desperation, delusion and dependency; belief-systems, bigotry and brutality!
So when truth as God hits you like a jolt of lightening, then your body, blood-cells and bone-marrow know without any knowledge! Then your life perceives without any experience! This is absolute freedom from mind, even though memory still functions with tremendous sharpness and accuracy for performing the daily tasks.
So for God's sake, never meditate on God! Neither on ‘No-God’ of Buddhists, Jains and Communists; nor on ‘One God’ of Jews, Christians or Muslims; nor on ‘Multiple Gods’ of Hindus! Just be aware of truth, of what is, of impermanency, from moment to moment. Do not seek ''what should be'', except in the technical world. Universal Intelligence (Krishna) holds. This is the ground permanency. Nothing else is permanent.
Jiva Bhutam Mahabaho Yayedam Dharyate Jagat
(Bhagavat Gita VII : 5)