Dec 6, 2006
Namaste Hankji & Rickji,
It is indeed a very good feeling to have a short note regarding performance of miracles by my forefathers in the Lahiri dynastic lineage of Kriya Yoga. What is important is to be aware, with an energy and maturity of understanding, of the Actuality without running into fictitious assumptions, ascriptions and abstractions as these are the root reasons for agitations and disturbances in the separative consciousness. The myth called ''mind'' and its malignancy which is the illusion ''I'', ceaselessly indulges in the process of fabrication and fantasy as the protective mechanism for perpetuation and continuity of ''I''. This process sustains the separation of human consciousness from the benediction of life and its natural intelligence as also from the spontaneous choiceless - impartial - holistic awareness that flows from love.
This separation from life and love is the basic sorrow and malady of humanity which brings about maladjustments and conflicts at every level of human affairs. Understanding of the myth ''mind'' and the illusion ''I'', directly by and for oneself through Swadhyay (not through any psychologist or ''guru'' or ''Kundalini'' specialists or any other stupidities), unfolds a radical change in the consciousness and manifests a mutation in the brain.
Gossip about garbage of miracles performed by Krishna or Jesus Christ or Saints or Yogis or Sadhus or Saibabas or Himalayan Avadhuts or Lahiris has nothing to do with human pain and suffering. Pain and paranoia of human beings can only be erased through centripetal enlightenment, not by centrifugal excitement.
Jai Life, Jai Love