Dec. 3, 2006
Inaugural talk at the Kriya Yoga Retreat held in the second week of September 2006 in Vitosha mountains of Bulgaria.
Movement of live awareness in the body of Shibendu remains almost free from the lifeless mechanical maneuvers of thought. This freedom is quite an emptiness generating tremendous quietness with hardly any disturbance. Thus the speaker was unable to find any idea or topic for the inaugural talk. Speaker does not harbour any motive to influence or impress anyone. He does not indulge in any propaganda to brainwash anybody. He likes just to share some deep & direct understanding, free from borrowed mental pollutions, with the audience. He merely puts up a mirror so that a listener can look at his inner confusion and turmoil. As if a blessing from the blue, the topic was suggested by the co-ordinator. It was indeed a serious topic and if we listen with our whole being, the future generation can be saved from a lot of mental garbage in the name of god and the concomitant guilt and gullibility.
For the nasty pursuit of politics for grabbing power, position, possessions and prominence and for electing a vicious & vulgar politician, the society has fixed a minimun age of 18 in order to ensure some maturity of understanding. But for such a holy phenomenon like religion, divinity, deep spiritual insight, no mature understanding is needed! Society is totally blind to the question when the humans should be given an exposure to such profound matters!
A live body, a new consciousness, absolutely fresh, innocent, divinity arrives on the planet. And right from the very first day the mental pollutions from the elderly people start getting imposed on this life. The sperm went into the ovum, neither the sperm nor the ovum, was Christian or Hindu or Muslim or Jew; it was just a flowering of Life, the Universal Intelligence. And the innocent child did not decide to take birth in a Christian family or a Jewish family or a Muslim family. But then, no chance should be given to the child to grow up as a free human being with an energy of understanding, without the shoddy little conditioning and mental undertakings thereof. He must be made a Christian because he has been born in a Christian family and, moreover, he must be Orthodox or Catholic or Protestant or Seventh Day Adventist or Evangelist, all such notorious mafias. No chance should be given to this life to flower in Life, to grow in Life, to be available to the Universal Intelligence which is Divinity. The Divinity must be sabotaged right at the outset so that he will only talk of ideas about god and spread paradoxes and perversions about god. The child must be prevented from touching the life, it must remain imprisoned in mind! Everything must be done to make sure that he is prevented to know Divinity so that he spreads only borrowed knowledge about Divinity. Only bigotry, battle and brutality in the name of Divinity must be cultivated! That is the name of the game of the mind, which has created the society and its culture, morality & conventions.
And therefore right at birth, the innocence and intelligence has to be totally destroyed! He has to be baptized, he has to be circumcised, he has to be always told ''Allah, Allah, Bismilla, Bismilla'', or some Sanskrit chanting, or some Jewish stupidity has to be imposed. The child must begin with tremendous bondages and burdens! Every care is to be taken by the society, so that the child doesn't understand that he is a human being belonging to this planet Earth and that he is unique as also a global event. He is only to be told that he is a Russian or Bulgarian, an Indian or Pakistani, a British or French or American.
Now, for understanding politics, the minimum age for decision is 18, why not the minimum age for understanding Religion and Divinity be fixed at 36? If political maturity comes at 18, then the religious maturity would happen only at 36. Let human beings grow in freedom and let them be exposed to all kinds of religious ideas after the age of 36. Thereafter, let them find the truth by and for themselves without running into any idea about truth.
Let us understand humans as diversity, not as divisions. For pratical reasons, for reference or identification points, we may call ourselves as Italian or as Catholic, as mere factual registrations, without bringing about psychological residues or sediments to promote separation among human beings, leading to the culture of killing or being killed. Let there be no animosity or antagonism or malice under the pretext of nationalism or religion. Let people visit Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, Temple, Gurudwaras, Monastries, Buddhist Vihars, Zen centres, Ashrams etc. after the age of 36 and thereafter let them be free to live by adhering to one or more ways in accordance with their basic gunas to be discovered through Swadhyay (looking within sans onlooker, that is, without generating duality in the process of watching).
Freedom is already growing. Many families and social groups are no longer interested to impose narrow nationalistic or religious ideas on the young people. But fanaticism is also reacting to this freedom. I am told that a new militant group is spreading its net-work and visiting family homes and schools to brainwash children with narrow ideas pertaining to religion and politics. Some young people have been enticed to join the group to function as its crusaders. It seems that one such young girl was present during Kriya Yoga yesterday and subsequently she had a TV program in the evening on behalf of her group. And she said there : ‘Today I was in the Kriya Yoga program. There was a very compassionate and sympathetic teacher, but what he was telling was all false. He was saying ‘do not follow anybody’. This means that he does not want us to be proud as Bulgarians or as Orthodox Christians’. She was obviously not participating nor listening. She was only translating or interpreting within the framework of her compulsions and pre-concepts.
Speaker was saying : ''Don't follow anybody including the speaker. Be a light to yourself, be available to awareness of actuality, don't remain asleep in assumptions and ascriptions about actuality. Freedom of the body (life) from the stranglehold of separation (mind) is important to avoid conflict at every level of human affairs. Politicians and priests make your life a hell although they promise you a heaven!'' Speaker was therefore surprised beyond measure when the co-ordinator reported about this girl. And that is how the topic for this inaugural address was found. Thank God that the girl saw some compassion and sympathy in the speaker. Otherwise, she would have announced on the TV that the speaker is a sect or cult from India trying to destroy Bulgarian culture and religion!
It is possible to be free from all psychological registrations with their residues generating conflicts and chaos, divisions and delusions, depriving us the delight of diversity. This freedom dawns when the fictitious duality between the observer and observed in the centripetal consciousness of human beings, dies totally. This death is the awakening of Intelligence, the Resurrection. You are not an Individual, even though you have a unique body. You are whole humanity. It is our earth --- not American earth or Chinese earth. All kinds of life, including trees, are sustained by our earth.
Listen to the teachings, listen to the messages. Do not convert them into mere ideas, to reconstruct your ''I'', but live the teachings to get rid of the ''I''. The Jesus Christ or Krishna process will then happen in your being. You need not follow them to become a Christian or a Hindu !
Thank you for listening.