Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 110 - A letter to a German devotee in South Africa.



Dec 21, 2006

Very dear Heikeji,


A communication from you was long awaited and it was good to have it on 13 Dec. 2006 at last, eventhough much delayed. This body of mine has been going through a terrible sciatica pain for over a year ; starting from the middle of the right hip, down throughout the right leg laterally, upto the feet. Walking and even standing for a while, became almost impossible. Many treatments, therapies, methods and healing tricks failed to yield any result. But the programs of meeting people all over and sharing with them the ancient human wisdom (from India) continued unabated! There was suffering, but hardly any sufferer! There was the factual registration of pain in the consciousness, but no psychological registrations involving choices, classifications & divisions. There was no demand for comforts or for being at ease and thus the torture did not play much havoc! No one can defeat you, if you do not intend to win over any body! Ultimately, relief came from expert surgical interventions.


You cannot be lured by any one's ''1000 promises'' of making you happy unless you have a gratifying image (vanity) about yourself that you can make others happy and that  you are a veritable chosen angel on the planet! That is how the ''subtle'' and the ''benevolent'' ego persuades oneself to be a ''healer'' dispensing all kinds of fascinating & fanciful ''healing '' and other tricks of the market generated by the demands of confused & conflict-ridden minds in reckless anticipations, assumptions, ambition, agony and agitation. No body can heal another! Healing flowers within oneself when one's connection with the Holy does not remain hidden by the hoax, humbug and hypocrisy of the human separative consciousness.Thank God, intelligence helped Moya to continue in her schooling career.


Ambition and anger (or assumed politeness) go hand in hand. Shoddy little mind has fragmentations galore ---- not just two personalities! Then break-ups and make-ups have no meaning whatsoever! Nervous breakdown is then the natural escape! And depression then is the method of hiding the ''I''. Pre-occupation with the past is the protective mechanism of the ''me''. There is no ''my thought'', ''me'' is thought and thought is ''me''. Memories are just incomplete psychological experiences with  residues and sediments. You cannot peel away your ego, because ''peeler'' is the re-modelled ego!


Brain has extraordinary energy ---- incalculable ---- and this energy is unfortunately being wasted in the movement of fear and pleasure, in the sense of individual importance and is caught up in tremendous conflicts between human beings, in sorrow and finally death! Can there be a mutation in the brain? Can this stupid separative consciousness be transformed? Yes, it can be transformed immediately in a blast of lightening, without any time intervening! If the transformation involves time, then computer can be employed to produce psychological transformation and the computer will do this job much faster than any charlatan of the spiritual market masquerading under so many garbs and sign-boards! Computers are actually useless in the area where duality between subject an object is not real, where time as interval and measurement is a myth. Similarly, all gurus, avatars, masters, prophets, babajis, matajis, miracle-performers are also redundant for  your transformation eventhough they keep you amused in your vulgar expectations which beget psychological ''visions'' and ''experiences''! Please listen to all this, putting your life in the energy of understanding without any pollution from past mental undertakings so that there is direct and immediate action.


Thought, which is sluggish, postpones; takes shelter in the illusion of gradualness, in ideals, in time. It is merely pursuing a non-change, a status quo with just a modified continuity under the pretext of transformation! Thought and time can bring about technical transformation such as building a bridge on a river or a house and so on, in a field where duality is real, but can not trigger transformation in the psyche where duality is fiction. Freedom from time and thought is mutation and transformation. Virtue then is not a status in the society or social respectability, it is not a better habit or a ''moral'' conduct, it has no pattern, no limitation, it is not an ideal put together by the vested interests of a greedy society or by one's own fear. Virtue is then a danger! Transformation is then not a tame thing of the society. Love then is total destruction of separation in the consciousness. Life then is revolution which is not a nasty economic or social conspiracy by economists, politicians and priests. These are the clever people building up new structures of exploitation in the name of change. Change has to happen within one's own self. You, common human beings, have got extraordinary capacities, waiting for you to unravel so that mutation in the brain may happen!




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