Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 033

York, England

March 9 2001


Lahiri Mahashay is a rare event in eternity and existence. Unfortunately he has been projected as an entity of experience by shallow minds who wrote about Him.

Experiences were evacuated (sunyer sathe kola-kuli) for the ecstasy of emptiness and existence, just as stools are purged for the sake of health. Interpretation and promotion of His experiences have spread mental pollutions, just as stirring of stools gives rise to stink and squalor. His Kriyas are done to be available to the meditative energy. Meditation is not done. Manipulation and mania of the mind is not meditation. Doing meditation is denying meditation. Lahiri phenomenon devastates, leaving no hidden fragmentation wherein experiences can lurk in their dark shadows. Lahiri Mahashay is the laya (vanishing) of the mind. He is indeed a danger to those who wish to lead a superficial life and a life of fancy and myth.

Realization of Lahiri phenomenon resolves difficulties and results in a fusion, a mutation, an alchemical change in the body. It is a radical process, a renewal, a reorientation in spirit. Beauty and benediction then flower. A new height and depth of emptiness emerges in oneself. And from this emptiness speaks a Buddha, a Mirabai, a Patanjali, a Krishna, a Christ, a Muhammad, a Lao-Tse, a Lahiri, a Krishnamurti, a Kabir, a Mansur, a Nayanar, a Nath, an Astavakra, a Gaurapada, a Gurdjieff, a U.G, an Anandamoyimaa, a Gargi, a Maitreyee, a Shankaracharya, a Ramkrishna, an Aurobindo, a Raman Maharshi, an Osho, a Bhamati and so on. It is indeed a grace that emptiness is still possible in living human bodies despite the all-out occupation by the ego. A right direction towards the Divine can still be seen in spite of all the wrong directions of ego-trips.

Lahiri Mahashay deepens the mystery and wonder of existence and stands out as an enigma Himself. Stupidity writing a book on Lahiri Mahashay succeeds only in creating a mess and confusion.

People are asleep. Kriya energy of understanding awakens them. But who wants awakening? Some comfortable and profitable ideas and conclusions are good enough! So Lahiri annoys and agitates many shoppers in the spiritual marketplace.

But when arguments give up, intellect is in dilemma, ego burns out: only then intelligence can blossom by virtue of Kriya. Therefore, if you want to know who Lahiri Mahashay was then please do not read any book on Him written by a charlatan of the spiritual market. Instead proceed on a journey immediately to know the myth that you think you are.


Om Kriya Om

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