Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 034

Sofia, Bulgaria

April 4, 2001


All methods and paths of various religions, sects and cults are constructed within the scope of mind and would therefore lead to unreality. All paths enmesh you within intellect and experience -- the limited; whereas intelligence and existence is unlimited. There is no path to reality, truth or what you may call God.

Buddhism can not be the path to enlightenment, for Buddhism was formulated much after the enlightenment of Buddha. Buddha was not Buddhist. Christianity and its innumerable sects came after the Christ dissolved into the Divine and thus these can not lead to the Divine. Jesus was not Christian.

Vaishnavism can not lead you to Krishna through emotional indulgence and easy sentimentality. All this surfaced much after Krishna vanished into eternity.

Islamic fundamentalism and violence can not get yourself to God, for all this emerged after Muhammad was mysteriously made available to Godhood.

Kriya Yoga is not a method to become liberated! It is the ending of all conforming and becoming. The simple practices (tapas) are meant for consolidating the glimpses of understanding occurring as a consequence of swadhyay (reflections on the ways of our mental activities), by releasing the stranglehold of the network of thought on our natural state. This is a state of energy and existence and not of experience and ego-centric activities.

Traditions are imitated. That is why it is easy to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and so on; but difficult to be truly religious -- a Kriya Yogi. Kriya Yoga is freedom from tradition without being anti-traditional. In this freedom, the conditioned reflexes from the cultural and traditional inputs of one's consciousness tend to disappear. Kriya Yoga is the opening of our ultimate potential and an exposure to the energy of supreme understanding. Thoughts may buzz around. In Kriya Yoga, there is no entity to host them! Then even the walls of our meditation room are as beautiful as a rose garden or a mountain outside.

Thought is society, tradition, isms, organised religions. But the gap between thoughts is God! In this gap emerges a Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Muhammad and in the continuity functions Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. The moment a thought is expressed, the schizophrenia begins! The moment we say "this is beautiful", we have already brought ugliness somewhere! Hate therefore follows our so-called love. The moment one says "you are my friend", he has already sown enmity somewhere! The mind dwells in duality, in opposites. Beauty, love, friendship, sanity are not of the mind!

Silence is true prayer. Otherwise our prayer is our advice to God about how things should happen! Who are we to advise God? During a true prayer, you do not utter a word. Rather the Word comes to you. Then truth is not the logic of words. It is in the illogicalness of the wonder of creation. Undefine yourself to be ultimately sane. Kriya Yoga is stepping out of the world of time and mind and beginning to live in the state of timelessness and eternity. Freedom in Kriya Yoga is beyond bondage, not against bondage. Kriya Yoga does not turn human beings out of the world, but enables them to live better in it and energises their endeavour to mend it. Kriya Yoga is a song in silence, a dance in the stillness of the body, a joy in the breath. And one's heartbeat is then the beat of the universe itself! When one speaks in a state of No-mind, perhaps his body is being used by the universe to speak! These are then not the words of a particular religion but perhaps of the Universal Truth.



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