Lonavala, India
Sunday 24 December 2000
In the Kriya-Yoga retreat at this wonderful site of natural beauty, let us watch our: -
W words, wishes, will.
A anticipations, apprehensions, agitations, activities, anger, antagonism, arrogance, aggression.
T thoughts, tendencies, tensions, tragedies and travails, trials and turmoils, tricks and traps, tradition and truth.
C conjectures, conclusions, conditioned reflexes, cunningness, connings, confusions, callousness and cruelty.
H habits and hang-ups, hypothesis and half-truths, hopes and hypocrisies, heart-beats.
Truth is unique understanding. Belief is a mass phenomenon, a social event -- giving rise to groups, gurus, sect, cult, bigotry and battles. Belief is the death of truth. Truth is living trust. Truth has no labels. Beliefs have labels galore -- Hindu beliefs, Muslim and Christian beliefs and so on.
Love has no labels. Like and dislikes have. Attachments and aversions have. Love is not attachment. Truth is not a matter of beliefs and disbeliefs. It is a matter of direct comprehension, no second hand conceptualization. Belief is security and struggle. Truth is sanctity and sacredness. Beliefs give you a community and restrictions. Truth gives you compassion and religion in the real sense of the term. Beliefs confine you in separative consciousness. Truth liberates you to super consciousness. When you understand that you are merely born into a belief-system, only then real religiousness will be born into you. A truly religious awakendness has no belief whatsoever. True religion is something you travel with, enabling you to transcend the traps of traditional beliefs, dogmas and superstitions.
Tradition tries to give itself continuity. Truth is neither continuous nor discontinuous. Truth is dynamic as well as static. It is static in its dynamism and dynamic in its static state of eternity. Truth is not a fixed abode. It has to be understood from moment to moment by seeing false as the false. And truth brings discontinuity when thought tends to be continuous.
Truth is neither eternal, nor ephimeral, neither imminent nor transcendent, neither action nor inaction, neither conclusion nor controversy, neither judgement nor misjudgment, neither the mundane nor the most sacred, neither fragmentation nor fulfillment, neither assertions nor denials. Truth defies all classifications, choices, opposites, obsession with one thing or the other. It is the highest form of integration. And this is Kriya Yoga -- the only yoga wherein all pretexts to pursue the personality (ego) utterly cease for a mysterious process to begin in existence.
Reality is existence. Experience is only virtual reality. The very fact that you are experiencing something is enough proof that what you are experiencing is not real.
For thousands of years, thousands of human beings in this strange country called India have blasted and exploded into the ultimate, the unnamable; into the enlightenment of existence. Their vibration is still alive, their impact is perceivable in this land. It is in the very air.
India vibrates with certain energy fields which no other country can claim. It is a poetry, not merely a geography or history. It is something much more, something invisible but very tangible. You just need the perceptivity generated by Kriya Yoga of Understanding (Swadhyay), Undertaking (Tapas) and Ultimate explosion (Ishwar Pranidhan) to be with that immeasurable encompassing this strange land called India.