Johannesburg, South Africa
December 5, 2000
Christ consciousness is the unitive awareness of the existence wherein stimulus and response become one unitary movement. Then the dichotomy vanishes. Experiencer and the experience are one. Reality is existence, not experience.
Jesus then says – I and Father are one.
Vedanta says – Aham Brahmasmi.
Ali Mansur says – Anal Huq.
Buddha says – Sunya Purna.
Lahiri Mahasay says – Sunyer Sathe Kola – Kuli.
In this state, a subtle uniqueness exists in equanimity in a dissolving state of Shivoham of bliss and benediction.
Ego consciousness is separative which separates movement of mind from movement of life, thus creating dichotomy between experience and existence.
In this situation, ego re-inforces itself through choices and entanglements proliferating sorrow and suffering.
Christ consciousness is not an idea nor a propaganda. It is an insight and perception. It is not a jejune jargon of the priest craft leading to dogma and destruction. It is the yoga (integration) of imminent and transcendent, of ephemeral and eternal, of mastery and surrender leading to delight and divine. Surrender is also spiritual sovereignty. Faith is then the language of nature, not of the mind. And then faith becomes freedom, not a fetter. And meditation becomes a play of pure awareness – full of vitality and vigour, not the tiresome and boring machination of the mind.
The tremendous spiritual energy which hit this planet two thousand years ago in the form of Jesus Christ cannot be understood through belief systems produced by beautiful and pious lies. Direct perception of Christ consciousness is possible through the Yoga process of pondering on the ways of the ego (Swadhyay), practicing a few vibrations (Tapas) and perceiving the veracity outside the frame of vanity and vested interests (Ishwara Pranidhan).
Cross is holy because it symbolizes the wiping out of I-ness and resembles the Yoga Symbol:
Heaven and hell are within ourselves. ‘No-mind’, not mindlessness, is heaven. Mind, not memory, is hell. Mind is the psychological investments in and excessive involvement with the things of the memory. Articulation of memory develops science and technology. Affliction of mind creates horrors of war and misery through science and technology. In Christ consciousness, void is the center of awareness and ego is at the periphery.