Dallas, Texas, USA
Sseptember 12, 2000
Kriya-techniques are the container, truth is the Content.
Transcend techniques to hit upon the truth.
Truth begins with awareness, in total passivity, of the ways of yourself which is the subjective entity.
Awareness in choiceless passivity, i.e. in absolute equanimity, leads to emptiness.
Emptiness is wholeness, the holiness.
Emptiness is the freedom from the contents of the separative consciousness i.e. the mind.
Chief contents of mind are fear and greed.
Fear, in more sophisticated terms, is called apprehension, aggression, anxiety, antagonism, insecurity, inhibition, stress, tension and so on.
And greed, in acceptable phrase, is known as ambition, anticipation, expectation, hope, and aspiration.
All religions, sects, cults thrive by promoting and perpetuating your fear and greed even under the pretext of spirituality.
There is no hope. But that is not a hopeless situation. It is an awakened ness.
An extraordinary gathering of energy and euphoria emerges when fear and greed start disappearing.
Kriya initiation is not merely a training in techniques. Only dogs are trained.
Human beings are educated and allowed to mature in understanding.
Education does not mean accumulation of information and acquisition of borrowed knowledge, nor flaunting dotted letters after your name. And ‘spiritual people’, who do not possess such letters from accredited institutions, acquire fake titles from dubious sources and print these after their names in bold letters to camouflage their ignorance and inferiority complex.
When education is mere accumulation through intellect without awakening intelligence, then an uneducated stupid becomes an educated stupid – the stupidity remains!
Don’t lose wisdom in knowledge, knowledge in information and information in information pollution!
Don’t convert Sat guru, a holy process, into petty personality for the sake of your quick solace.
The process can happen in your being, if you get rid of the notoriety of your notions, nastiness, cunningness and calculations.
Sat guru stands for conversion! Not from one religion to another. Not from one cult to another. But from bondage to benediction, from misery to most Sacred, from cruelty to compassion.
Unlearn to learn. Be in the discipline of discipleship. Then one and one (preceptor and participant) add up to none!
Namo Narayana
(Surrender to intelligence)