Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 1998

Bessay, France

May 7th 1998


Sat guru (Realised Teacher) emerges in answer to tears and, therefore, he belongs to whole humanity. He may have a lineage, education, accomplishments and so on. But all these are unimportant in describing him, for he is jivan mukta (liberated despite all bondages of conditioning). His is a different consciousness — an awakened-ness, an intelligent awareness, a presence (not a personality) — and when he says something, one should reflect on it (not reject it), should dwell upon it (not discard it). Swadhyay (Self-Knowing) in company with a Satguru is the beginning of Kriya-Yoga.

A disciplined mind is a dull mind. It is coerced and compelled. It does not understand. It is in conflict, confusion and conning. The word "discipline" comes from the word "disciple". A disciple is one who learns. And for learning; there must be a lot of un-learning, de-conditioning. Learning comes from swift perceptions and not from slow thinking. Thinking emanates from dead concepts. Thought is death and "no-thought" is dance. Thought is idiotic, "no thought" is intelligence. Thought is analysis, "no-thought" is awareness. Thought is logic, "no-thought" is love. Thought is the measure, "no-thought" is the meaning. Thought is reason, "no-thought" is righteousness. Thought is introspection, "no-thought" is insight. Thought is knowledge, "no-thought" is wisdom. Thought is cloud, "no-thought" is clear sky. Thought is depression, "no-thought" is delight. Thought is reaction, "no-thought" is realisation. Thought is only validity, "no-thought" is veracity. Thought is devil, "no-thought" is divine. Thought is sensuality, "no-thought" is sensory perceptions. Thought is dream and "no-thought" is the drum of Shiva (Damaru). Kriya-Yoga liberates us from the activities of thought and opens the door to Eternity. Kriya-Yoga, a spiritual journey and not a stale judgement, needs deep understanding, tremendous courage and himalayan patience.



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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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