Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 1997

Verona, Italy

August 1st 1997


Kriya is the collaboration with the divine design. Routine religions provide us only with crutches but Kriya makes our legs strong. Kriya enables us to have the Truth , the Divine through a direct perception by and for ourselves, whereas the routine religions impose God on us as a mere belief and that is why for most of us God has become the ultimate pleasure and stupid gratification of the mind. Communism is yet another religion which is the cultivated-opposite of routine religions. All opposites contain the elements of their own opposites and thought thrives in the corridor of opposites. Their propagation of disbelief in God is in the same dimension as the propagation of belief in God by routine religions. Minds, deeply religious, have no beliefs or disbelieves whatsoever.

Phoney baloneys of the religious Johnny's, their half-truths, their holy concepts, their high-sounding phrases have made religion the last luxury of the rich and the last longing of the poor. This is the tragedy of our incarceration into the self-protecting mechanism of thought.

The revolution of the Communism is no revolution — it is only a revaluation of the status-quo. It is the modified continuity of the old system. Communism talks of taking away the possessions. Kriya takes away the instinct of possessiveness, liberating us from our accumulative and acquisitive urges. Possessiveness is not only to land, money and properties but also extended to a guru, to an ideal, to an "ism", to a human being etc. We have reached the brink of the separative-consciousness created by the mischief and the machinations of thought. Mind has done his job, it has excelled in technical field giving us control upon the vicissitudes and vagaries of nature and has enabled us to have a comfortable living.

Thought has done wonderfully well in the technical area, but is has also created the neurological defect — the ego-centre — with all its arrogance and aggression, animosity and antagonism. All wars are the final exaggeration of the ego and the planet is now under the threat of a nuclear holocaust. Despite all advancement, the basic psyche is still in its cave mentality — the caves are now being called "nations". And the ancient weapon, the jawbone of an ass, has now become the modern jet-bomb of an atom.

Mischief of the mind is driving us towards total annihilation. Time has, therefore, come to ascend from mind to "No-mind", the super-mind, the beyond-mind. Only then the life on this planet can be saved. This glimpse of the "Other" is possible through Kriya and that is why Kriya is so sacred and essential, as it enables us to collaborate with the Divine-Design of transition from mind to "No-mind".



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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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