Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 500 - sleep and dreams

Paris,  7.12.2023


An intense conversation between Shri J. Krishnamurti and his audience on the profound subject of sleep and dreams.


J.K.: I don’t know if you have noticed it, before you go to bed, you go over the day, don’t you? You say ‘I should have done this, I should have done that.. ‘ you try to put some order… and the brain needs order, and is therefore going to create order while you are asleep… which is a form of dream… The brain says please give me order. Don’t perpetually keep in disorder ..movement, movement..

So at the end of the day consciously one tries to put some order before.…and if you don’t do it the brain is going to do it while you sleep.  

And when you wake up in the morning there is a little more order, which then is lost with the noise during the day.

An extraordinary thing happens here. The brain demands order… and it IS going to get it, either during the day or during the sleep…..

Now, If during the day you have complete order.. that means NO effort, then what happens during the night?


Listener 1: There must be complete rest… no images


JK: .. Complete Rest…Now look Sir, a silly mind can be completely at rest …. mmm?… but it still remains a silly mind!. Order, Silence, is one of the most difficult things. If during the day that doesn’t come about, the brain cells say: Please, I must have order! .. You have a problem, say.. a mathematical or a psychological problem. You worry about it for days and days  and the brain has been working at it….. it gets very tired and during the sleep, something happens and the next morning you wake up and say, “I see it clearly, It has solved (the problem)..hasn’t it happened? How? How does this happen?… It is very simple. During the day you have been working at it.. worrying like a dog with a bone.. the brain gets tired… and there is a moment of complete relaxation.. rest.. and then you see things differently…. During the day, effort, contradiction, produces  disorder. At night there is a certain relaxation which brings about order…which again is destroyed the next day..and so this game goes on and on and on…

Now, if during the day there is order and the mind goes to sleep. What happens? The mind is completely at rest isn’t it?


Listener 2: Can the mind remain alert in sleep?


JK: That’s what I’m getting at! The mind then is awake! Not asleep. That is real attention… which operates during the day.


Perception:  Death of the darkness of the divisive consciousness does happen from time to time, for the division-free awareness to be born, as the dawn.




Jai Sri Krishna


Jai Sri Krishnamurti



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